I agreed with sigma, 1.90,StillKnowNothing,WasteManager, LittleTricker, Lambada, and wishgoodluck. But I do believe you need time to adjust yourself to the environment, understand who is doing what in your team, and the way everybody els survives. For example, "那2個PROGRAMMER ...要完成老板交的活,需要什麽資料,A都會全力幫助去找". Why? Of course, don't blame yourself either.
I have plenty of time today whereas kids and mommy are on vacation:-) let's read between the lines:
No game plan for knowledge transfer and status update? What will you do if you were the 老板?
Learn to prioritize your work and communicate your concerns w/ your mentors, coworkers, and especially your boss. By boss, I mean the guy who pays you for your work. "夾在她們之間" is your best opportunity to EXCEL. Think it loud!
Plz read Jackpot's 工作厚黑學.
You are not supposed to have your OWN 想法. One of my primary contact, a PM for one project was warned by his sr. manager he "is not supposed to think"
Can you get the 2nd opinion about this? For a short period of 3-month, you don't even really know anybody yet. Get buddies.
I have/had coworkers like your 同事 A or your 老板, and I had/have bosses like your 同事 A or your 老板. The strategy is sigma's "死豬不怕開水燙" and the implementation is to follow the textbook such as Lambada's method.
You will be OK :-)
Night...Night... is still young
Absolutely Agree! 3q!
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03/22/2009 postreply