昨日八萬已過去, 今日六萬沒脾氣. 這就叫作市場價, 老土這樣煉成地.

今天有人販子來電話,他已經跟我聯係了很久。他想給我推薦一個工作,比我原來也要少很多.他說你現在的基數是0,不要挑三揀四了,有個中作就不錯了。但我實在不甘心,我這麽多年的經驗就這麽賤賣了,我以後的career怎麽走?比如說你第一個工作掙60K 你都掙85K了,你現在去找了個62K的,你以後怎麽解釋,怎麽開價呀?我想等,但也急,LD公司開始lay off人了。等還是不等?

-- Yes, you are zero today. Any number divided by zero is unlimited. Therefore, you should be happy to get a unlimited raise.
-- Yes, I had that kind of experience twice and I knew your feeling.
-- This is so called market value.
-- And Yes, You will jump to higher position once the market is coming back.
-- Yes, go as long as they pay the really money.


做就是了,腳長在我身上,什麽時候走都可以 -喜氣連年- 給 喜氣連年 發送悄悄話 喜氣連年 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/27/2009 postreply 17:52:53
