既有主意一級棒, MM上班莫彷徨. 好的來到隨時跳, 當心變土成熟了.

回答: 回複:我該怎麽辦?急!布衣之才2009-02-23 07:56:18

MM should always shoose what is the best for you and your family!
Data and experience have shown that the safest way is: Start work right now for whatever offer you get, then jump to whatever better offer you can get later on if you don't like the first position.
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奴隸篇: (對老板要尊重,要服從. 對同事,先是自強, 然後才有受人尊重的和平共處.)
有篇好文叫雜記, 教咱職場好主意. doublehelix

老板是俺的飯票, 此話乍聽有些好笑,其意義隻有在丟了飯碗時才知道.
忽悠老板101: 看看為啥這位MM知名度相當高! - 知名度比較高
Get along with your boss
你“拎得清“嗎 - 跳蚤

職場十年(7):適者生存 - 陳默
關於辦公室政治 - 布衣之才

學會KISS (Keep is Simple Sweatheart or Keep it Simple Stupid) will make our life happier.

學會KISS心不慌, 衷心感謝nt王! Please click here to learn KISS from ntking.

永遠做好人、說好話、幹自己的事情,跟老板搞好 關係. 先給自己定位,再去努力 -龍 少爺
凡是現實的, 都是合理的. 領導說中,那就是中.
You need to know what you want -Mondayadvisor
Job satisfaction: Strategies to make work more gratifying
自信,自強,理解, 恩威並用

如何與老外同事相處? - 跳蚤

