
What bothers you about B? you provided very limited information.

The salary? the position? the vacation time? Since you get the offer, I would call your future boss immediately and thank him for the offering and say this is great opportunity and you will accept. And you also mention if they can increase the salary or give you more vacation time to make you happy. If you are confident that you can make great contribution, you should not be afraid to ask for it. Be reasonable and professinal.

It is not easy to get a job at this moment, and one week postpone will jeopodize this opportunity. I believe "緣分", and maybe B is really the company best suit you? At this moment, I would rank stability as the top priority for job comparison. If B is stable on its finance and employment policy, go for it. Other factors are just trivial.


回複:回複:謝謝你的建議,我再認真考慮考慮。 -什錦2009- 給 什錦2009 發送悄悄話 (164 bytes) () 02/23/2009 postreply 09:17:33
