
No Future Employment - The company has no obligation, contractual or otherwise, to rehire, re-employ, or recall you in the future and you will not seek nor apply for employment with the Company after the Termination Date.

-- 原文簡述: 公司木有任何義務再雇你. 你也不會再來公司申請工作.

However, in real world, it depends...
首先, 原文中: "and you will not seek nor apply for employment with the Company after the Termination Date."
是公司方在自說自話, 你可以不同意.
其次, It totally depends on your skill sets and your relation with the hiring manager.
If they need your skill, and you passed the interview, the hiring manager and the team like you, then you will be hired again. (There are many these kind of examples).

愛潤 最進對某一大公司給的offer不太滿意, 把offer 了. 然後她有申請同一公司另一個更好的位子, (Usually most Chinese think this is impossible.) 她又得到了那同一公司的offer.

Wish you get a offer soon! Thanks!
