關於Embedded System職業, not worth you jump to it

來源: 美國老土 2009-02-05 11:25:18 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1149 bytes)
愚兄已步入中年,當然會感到中年危機。在電訊行業領域混了十年有餘,從JAVA的應有程序開發,到UNIX OS係統安全性的維護,都“沾花惹草”過,但偏偏沒有涉及到電訊的核心領域。現在,剛被雷。不是技術不行,而是相對組裏的新畢業的大學生,一是老朽了,而是工錢貴了點。我想這是北美搞技術老中,普遍麵臨的中年危機。

-- Thanks for share.
-- "但偏偏沒有涉及到電訊的核心領域", Even you had chance to enter the core part of Telecom, so what, after you get a layoff, you still can't find job in other field.
You are still too narrow.

下崗後,琢磨著如何避免這個問題。有朋友說Embedded System不錯,關鍵是大學裏學不到,比較偏,不會有大量的懂.NET和JAVA的和你競爭。所以,才有了這個想法。但自己對這行業不熟悉,還請各位指點迷津!

-- "有朋友說Embedded System不錯,", 要看這些朋友對 IT 了解多少.
-- You have a good background, PLEASE STAY AWAY WITH THOSE NARROW SKILLS.
-- Try to make yourself armed with skills you can find job in any industry and you can accumulate your experience until you are old.
-- Forget Embaded System unless you are doing that and somebody is willing to give you a paycheck.




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