Cool Snow: You are really cool!

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Corporate American 充滿雜草及毒蛇地方 - 沒錯;“不懂裝懂”也不是最好的方法,它沒能幫你 as a newcomer, to quickly get to know all parts.

-- Very nice! Thanks!

但貼中的建議- “盡管問”和“問啊問...”決不是好的strategy, 而是國人常犯的錯誤。想在Corporate survival or excel, 一個充滿自信,和 competence 很重要,而別人對新人的perception 是從第一刻開始,多問會給人有“junior" " inexperienced" , etc. 而國人以為”謙虛,好問“是好員工。
-- Totally agree!
-- "而國人以為”謙虛,好問“是好員工." 土老冒完全不是這個意思.
-- 土老冒的原話是:"你是新人, 沒人期待你完全理解人家公司的那碼子事.", 重複一遍: "人家公司的那碼子事." 而不是指與公司無關的基礎知識.
-- 例子: I am a Sr. Oracle DBA, I knew I can handle whatever database servers in the world. I am very confident for myself. However, when I go to a new company, I still ask them questions like:
How many database servers?
Where the data comes from?
What kind of Applications running with the database?
How many and what are the report running on database?
Ask all above questions do not reduce my image at all.
People still knew I am the expert.

Even every consulting company, before they go to your company solve the problem, they will send you a long list of questions ask the client company to answer. With the answer of these kind of questions, will help them go into the case quickly.
This is what I mean:
所以, 別裝懂, 凡不懂的, 盡管問.

這樣, 是你盡快進入角色的最快辦法.

盡快找到那位能幫你的熱心人, 問啊問...

那什麽是新人的strategy? 多聽,多聽,再多聽!用五官和第六感一起聽,用心聽話外音。這過程中,你會有問題,對自己可figure out的,不問,去問一些有質量的也很關鍵的問題。這樣,你可以了解新公司,更可讓新同事看到你的思考和知識,也讓公司說 - we hire the right person with competence.
-- 100% agree!

咱參與, 咱奉獻, 咱高興!
Mucho Gracias!

你是新人, 沒人期待你完全理解人家公司的那碼子事.
所以, 別裝懂, 凡不懂的, 盡管問.

這樣, 是你盡快進入角色的最快辦法.

盡快找到那位能幫你的熱心人, 問啊問...


別裝懂 is very important, but -jill08- 給 jill08 發送悄悄話 (47 bytes) () 02/04/2009 postreply 13:58:34

Absolutly Agree! -美國老土- 給 美國老土 發送悄悄話 美國老土 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/04/2009 postreply 14:13:28

Jobless for physicians. LOL -jill08- 給 jill08 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/04/2009 postreply 15:03:16

版主辛苦了!The key is What to ask, and How to ask, it takes -coolsnow- 給 coolsnow 發送悄悄話 coolsnow 的博客首頁 (85 bytes) () 02/04/2009 postreply 15:28:51
