
Luckily it is only $188, so it is not a big deal for you to pay. In our job, if any mistake made, the damage will be multi-million dollars, I wish I have the cash available to pay it by myself.

Anyway, as NTKing pointed, the $188 is not your debt, it is not necessarily for you to pay. It is really a small small number for a copany.
Even you make a $188 payment, if the management do not like you, they can still remember your mistake and lay you off later.
If you have good relation with the management team, like
含娜, then even without your spend the $188, you will be OK.
If you are 朱阿珠,and if YOUR BOSS ALREADY KNEW IT WAS YOUR MISTAKE, THEN, you may go to ask the management:"Dear boss, I realized it was my mistake without pay the TAX on time, so we get this $188. Even this is a very lucky number in Chinese culture, I like this number very much, hopefully it will bring good luck for the company this year, I am willing to cover it from my own pocket to show you I am a good person and the mistake mI made was a oversight, I will not make this kind of mistake any more. How do you think?"
If boss say:"Nice to know you brought lucky for us. Of course pay it from the company account not your private money." Then you know what to do.

Don't worry too much for the thing you do not have to worry.
We all make mistake, this is so called experience.

初一生, 初二長, 初三初四看月亮... 牛年大吉!
