Yes, but do you think that's the right way? -- at least the way useful and easy and least-costly? BTW, I don't give damn if somebody threatens improper things, like gun shooting (in that case I'll just hand her/him over to police, or shoot her/him first before she/he gets a chance, I'm not going to touch this part, because precautions are east to take).
We're actually touching the core part of business, workplace and what we want for life, and what kind of system do we want for a better life, and for this regard, do you think "一切都以利益為前提,看你不順眼就一腳踢開" is the only way? After all, what matters to business and workplace is interest.
Yes, but
看你不順眼就一腳踢開---You will have trouble soon.
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01/22/2009 postreply
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01/22/2009 postreply
Hope not:)
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01/22/2009 postreply
Extremely True in US - co: what matters to business and workplac
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01/22/2009 postreply