School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Recruit
Talents Worldwide

Recruitment Overview of SOM, HUST
Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) is one of China’s top
universities. The new HUST was established on May, 2000 after merging with
the former HUST, Tongji Medical University and Wuhan Urban Construction
Institute. It is a key university directly under the leadership of the
Ministry of Education. It is one of the first group universities listed in
the national “211 Project” and “985 Project”. HUST ranks at the top of
China’s leading universities in comprehensive strength .
Established in 1979, the School of Management (SOM) of HUST is one of the
first-class business schools in China. It currently has 7 departments and 24
research centers, offering undergraduate, graduate, MBA, EMBA, doctoral,
and postdoctoral programs. In expectation of a rapid growth and a desire to
build into one of the internationally-renowned and domestic-leading business
schools, the SOM of HUST is conducting a worldwide recruitment to
strengthen its faculty team. Talents are most welcome to join us for either
entry-level or advanced positions.

Desired Disciplinary Field
Management of Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
Operations Management, Finance, Public Finance and Taxation, Monetary
Economy, Strategy, Human Resource Management, Accounting, Marketing,
Technical Management and Intellectual Property Rights, as well as other
related disciplinary fields.

Positions Open
Professor/ Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Postdoctor

For senior positions, tenured faculties of renowned and overseas
universities or institutions will receive very positive consideration.
Excellent records of research and teaching are required. Applicants should
have at least 1 publication in international top-tier journals in the most
recent 5 years.
For junior positions, candidates possessing a PHD (including a near future
PHD and newly graduated PHD with about 2 year experience) from prominent
universities or institutions are most welcome. At least 1 publication in
respectable and top journals as well as outstanding potential are expected.

Salary and Conditions
Salary offered will be highly competitive as well as abundant research funds
, fringe benefits, and excellent housing. The school has also been preparing
to create an excellent working environment and support for talents. Talents
will enjoy not only the first-rate research and teaching facilities but
also a wonderful space for career success and personal developments.

Applicant Instructions
Preliminary materials include: 1) a cover letter; 2) a curriculum vitae; 3)
a list of publications. Interest applicants please submit application
materials to glxyhust@mail.hust.edu.cn, zhangtao@mail.hust.edu.cn or contact
us at:
Address: School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, China, 430074.
Tel: (86)27-87542354 (Xiaoyuan Wu), (86)27-87556466 (Tao Zhang)
Fax: (86)27-87556437
Website: http://cm.hust.edu.cn/
