I am working in asmall company with 4 employees . Today I got email from secratary/office manager, the following are the back and forth emails between us. If I have more experience like this, I will make a progress with the communication and writing.
(I joined this company because I didn't like my supervisor in former company, he was micro management person. who doesn't know a lot of techonology, but he will focus on the output you created. For example, the order of output, the blank and punctuation, plus he likes to have a IN/OUT borad to record when you are in /out) Seeing a lot of friend working from home, I couldn't stand no flexibility at all. I like this small company, because I can leave early when I need to (for example, kid is sick, family issue). As rewards, I work very hard when I need to , sometimes I work 9 hours per day. )
After writing the email, I feel like I have energy to find another job. I need to find 3Q job.
It’s fine as long as I know how to answer when someone asks me if I have heard from you.
Hi C,
My plan was 9:00-5:00. For example, I followed this schedule on this Monday. However, my little Edward doesn’t cooperate it after 2 week no school break. He wants to go to school with Mom, not Dad. So I showed up from 9:30-5:30. If you need me to explain to Dr. XXX, I will do it. Please let me know your decision.
I was checking because it appeared that you might be working 9:30 to 5:30 based on when you have been coming in. And if I’m being questioned I need to know what your doing.
Hi c,
Basically, I will work 9:00-5:00 daily. I may leave early occasionally. And I may work more than 8 hours per day if Dick needs me.
Please indicate the hours (beginning and ending) that will constitute your normal daily schedule.
Hi C
I will work 40 hours per week.
H xx,
I understand that you have gone back to full time effective January 1, 2009, could you please let me know the hours that you are planning on working?
8226; | a sign of something? guess what's going on |
8226; | daily log |
8226; | Little Edward went to Disney world |
8226; | I am not happy |
8226; | 鬱悶心情--體會健康真好 |