Obama 上任時美國經濟重大危機,是誰堅持Bush tax cut for the super rich? Who refused to work with democrats to pass a government funding bill and caused government shutdown? and who even threatened to default on national debt? Don't even get me started. Obama's nightmare started when Ted kennedy's seat went to Scott Brown (the underwear model!). With that they lost 60 vote in the House, and opened the door for republican filibustering. The house blocked anything and everything. It's not Obama who's done nothing, it's the republican controlled house, John Banner. And of cause your proud 華人女婿 Mitch Mcconnell, who's only goal was to limit Obama to one term.
醫保改革可以說是democratic party 的百年大計,是幾代人奮鬥的目標。 是 Obamacare 使得10 million uninsured people got health insurance for the first time. 不要動不動就以為你交的錢用在了別人身上。保險的原本意義就是如此。 大家pooling in money for a rainy day check. 誰也不能保證不生病。
沒什麽可笑的,因為懂得不多才不懂裝懂冒泡, 不然怎麽能讓像你這樣的高手蹦出來,給樓裏的雲雲眾生們指點迷津呢?
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11/06/2014 postreply
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11/06/2014 postreply
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11/06/2014 postreply