My insurance will pay 100%. however, there is a line for cost above USD499.99. I do not have to pay additional money to my premier if the cost is below USD499.99. If it exceeds 499.99, say, USD500, I will have to pay over 500 dollars additional fee a year for 6 years, which equals to over 3,000 dollars. There is a risk if I let this guy do what he is doing. The damage on the rim has nothing to do with me at all.
The reason all my co-workers suggest that I seek for help from HR is to question the honesty of this person. Because this issue has had big impact on my work ever since I saw the quote and I worry everyday now about that potential 3,000 dollars. Basically, I was suggested to file a claim about unpleasant working environment again that guy. I am just not sure whether this is common or not.