
來源: 滿籠桂魚 2014-02-06 14:04:14 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1445 bytes)
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回答: 老苗一出手,就知有沒有!滿籠桂魚2014-02-06 13:57:54
Some thoughts…

On this Poem: This playful poem initially startled me with its audacity, but won me over with the combination of sexual tension and humor delivered with such pithy style.

While it may not be the most romantic choice for a Valentine’s Day poem - what with the suggestions of a casual fling, and an unseen wife lurking in the wings portending complications for the relationship - c’est la vie.

What each wants may seem simple enough, except that it may not be quite what the other had in mind. It is not so much a matter of sending mixed messages; rather the message gets scrambled in its reception, weighted down by the burden of opposing desires, expectations, and demands on either side. They’re speaking the same language, yet are on different frequencies.

may i move said he
is it love said she…

…you're divine! said he
(you are Mine said she)

For very real reasons, a no-strings attached relationship is as rare as ever-lasting love. Both die-hard romantics and friends-with-benefits ignore that at their own peril.

Yet, while we live, we will love – start the chase, play the game, take our chances. It may be a risky sport, and how will we define gain or loss? If we emerge slightly singed, and perhaps wiser for the experience does that count as a win? And if we throw away everything and plunge into the heart of the flames, is a phoenix’s death really a loss?

Happy Valentine’s Day.


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