川川, 來, 來, 運動之後別忘了喝點健康美容飲品,

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12/11/ 2011 / 小-青

1. 蘑菇湯 (Mushroom Soup):

Mushrooms are a low-calorie food with many nutrients; Information shows that 1/2 cup of raw mushrooms is only about 9 calories.

Mushrooms are a source of B vitamins and potassium.

Mushrooms are also a source of selenium ----- an antioxidant; Antioxidants help cells in the body ward off damage from dangerous oxygen molecules called free radicals. Free radicals may play a role in serious illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease;

Selenium protects our heart and other organs from damage caused by oxidation. Mushrooms will also provide some protein and dietary fiber;

總而言之, 蘑菇湯能提高人體免疫功能, 健康我們的身體, 使我們擁有更年輕更美麗的容顏 !

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2. 綠茶 (Green Tea)

A promising horizon in cancer prevention is the discovery of phytochemicals (antioxidants). These compounds, found in abundance in fluits and vegetables, especially in green tea;

Polyphenonals (phytochemicals) are known to block the formation of nitrosamines (亞硝胺);

And flavonoids belong to the polyphenol family.

Green tea's health benefits are largely due to its high content of flavonoids -- plant-derived compounds that are antioxidants.

The antioxidant effect of one of the polyphenols in green tea epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is least 25 times more effective than vitamine E and more effective than vitamin C at protecting cells and the DNA from damage;

Studies have found an association between consuming green tea and a reduced risk for several cancers, including, skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder.

Drinking a cup of tea few times a day helps to absorb antioxidants and other healthful plant compounds.

In green-tea drinking cultures, the usual amount is three cups per day. Allow tea to steep for three to five minutes to bring out its catechins.

The best way to get the catechins and other flavonoids in tea is to drink it freshly brewed. Decaffeinated, bottled ready-to-drink tea preparations, and instant teas have less of these compounds.

Green tea can impede the absorption of iron from fruits and vegetables. Adding lemon or milk or drinking tea between meals will counteract this problem.

總而言之, 綠茶裏麵的茶坨酚是抗癌的; 如果你每天喝N杯綠茶, 向日本人民那樣, 不易得癌症癌; 綠茶裏麵的茶甘寧是提高血管韌性的,使血管不易破裂;

還有, 綠茶裏含有氟, 堅固美麗我們的牙齒; 據說蘇東坡每次吃完飯拿中下等茶漱口,目的是堅固牙齒; 蘇東坡啊----- 等看我的 "風流才子" 係列吧!!

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3. 紅葡萄酒 (Red Wine) (Purple Grape Juice)

A glass of red wine a day keeps the doctor away;

AHA (American Heart Association) Recommendation: People at high risk of heart attack should take a daily low-dose of aspirin (if told to by their heathcare provider) and that heart attack survivors regularly take low-dose aspirin.

The benefits of modest alcochol use (especially red wine) can be equated to benefits obtained through a small daily dose of aspirin (about 81mg per day, or the equivalent of a baby asprin);

Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent heart disease by increasing levels of "good" cholesterol and protecting against artery damage;

Scientists believe the antioxidants in red wine called flavonoids (Polyphenols), reduce the risk of coronary heart disease in three ways:
1. by reducing production of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (also know as the "bad" cholesterol);
2. by boosting high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the good cholesterol);
3. by reducing blood clotting. Furthermore, consuming a glass of wine along with a meal may favorably influence your lipid profiles following that meal;

Additionally, there is a naturally occurring antioxidant in red wine called Resveratrol ( 逆轉醇 ) that decreases the stickiness of blood platelets and helps blood vessels remain open and flexible. It is said that it inhibits the enzymes that can stimulate cancer-cell growth and suppress immune response. Resveratrol has been used in connection with atherosclerosis too (a reduced risk of course).

Red wine also maintains the immune system, improves the anti-bacterial activity, and reduces stress; A four-ounce glass of wine is equivalent to one serving. Men will benefit from consuming one to two servings per day. Women should consume only one serving per day to reap the maximum benefits.

總而言之, 紅葡萄酒裏麵的 "逆轉醇"是抗衰老的; 紅葡萄酒裏麵的抗氧化劑保護了我們的心髒和血管.

每天喝50 ~ 100毫升葡萄酒活血養顏, 健康美麗! 我做廣告呢, 真要命!!

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4. 魚湯(Fish Soup)

Fish soup is besides being an excellent low-calorie source of protein, contains a variety of very important nutrients, and has also been shown to be useful in a number of different health conditions.

Fish, particularly cold water fish have been shown to be very beneficial for people with atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.

Studies show that people who eat fish regularly have a much lower risk of heart disease and heart attack than people who don't consume fish.

Some kind of fish, specifically, promotes cardiovascular health because it is a good source of blood-thinning omega-3 fatty acids, but is also a good source of vitamin B12 and a very good source of vitamin B6, both of which are needed to keep homocysteine levels low (homocysteine is a dangerous molecule that is directly damaging to blood vessel walls);

The Omega-3 oils in salmon keep the blood vessels clean and keep the fats in the blood in solution, maintaining healthy artery walls.

總而言之, 魚湯中含對人體有害的膽固醇僅為畜禽的1/5 ~ 1/3,魚湯中 omega-3 fatty acid 有效預防失心血管疾病;

魚湯中的蛋白質能夠緩解壓力提高睡眠質量; 有了健康的身體, 才會有美麗的容顏啊!!

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5. 豆漿(Soybean Milk):

The FDA has stated that consuming 25 grams of soy protein per day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce heart disease by reducing cholesterol in the blood.

Soy protein achieves this health benefit by acting to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, leaving HDL (good cholesterol) levels unaffected.

Various studies have shown that soy can reduce cholesterol levels by 15% to 20%. For every one percent drop in total cholesterol levels, the risk of heart disease goes down by two percent.

Soybean milk is a good nutritional source of vitamin B1, B2, B6, and E, and minerals such as magnesium; but, the largest downfall of soy milk is the less calcium (soy milk has only about a quarter of the calcium, compared to cow's milk);

Soybean milk and other soy foods contain high concentrations of isoflavones (known as cancer-fighting chemicals, as they aid in the prevention of various cancers).

Studies show that the typical Asian diet results in lower rates of breast, prostate, and colon cancers, compared to the typical Western diet. Isoflavones also promote bone health to lower osteoporosis;

Studies show the isoflavones found in soy reduce prostate cancer risks.

Research has shown that soy food consumption is a factor in the rarity of death due to prostate cancer among Japanese men.

Several studies show that soy isoflavones prevent the growth of prostate tumors, preventing them from progressing to the more advanced form of the disease.

Soybean milk contains rich chemical components that are similar to human hormone called natural estrogen; the hormonal changes associated with menopause can cause uncomfortable symptoms and increase the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis; Soy may provide some benefits;

總而言之, 豆漿營養豐富,適合女人和中老年人飲用; 豆漿中的植物蛋白, 磷脂,維他命B1, B2,煙酸和鐵鈣等物質容易被人體吸收, 防高血脂高血壓動肪硬化缺鐵性貧血;

豆漿中的豆蛋白, 卵磷脂, 植物雌激素可改善女人 心態,延緩衰老,美容養顏; 友情提醒: 男士還是少飲吧!!!

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6. Lemon tea (檸檬茶)

One of my favorites........ 未完待續啊!!

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小得, 你的生日還有多少個明天啊!! 未完待續啊
