Sad story. I really understand it. I raised by my aunt when I was 8.when I was in College, I lived in Dom. for 4 years. After that, come to another city worked for 11 years, lived on Dom. by myself again. Until 5 years ago, I applied my parents come to NY to stay with me. This is the 1st time I know her and live in the same room. Really not easy. But I am close to my Dad, even I never live with him either. Sometime, Mom and daughter not get alone, nothing to talk, or fight too much. this is too sad. Even I don't want to. hi, Life is difficulty.
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• 謝謝你的跟帖。想跟每一位理解這個故事的女士握手。有怨的母女情,傷的從來都是兩個人。 -塵凡無憂- ♀ (53 bytes) () 06/23/2011 postreply 16:21:45