


(2016-11-19 06:47:50) 下一個

English-Chinese 英漢雙語本


A Monument of Poetry Built By William Shakespeare & Others

Edited and Translated by Fu Zhengming 

About the Book

This book in three parts, entitled A Monument of Poetry Built By William Shakespeare & Others, is a bilingual anthology including 108 poems, translated into Chinese with both classical and modern Chinese forms and styles. The Introduction to the book, entitled “The Obscure Luminosities,” is an analysis of Shakespeare's works from mainly the perspectives of politics and Buddhism.The first part is a new poetical translation of some of William Shakspeare’s works, including the top 10 sonnets, a whole piece and extracts from the narrative poems, selected poetical speeches, poems and songs from the plays.The second part is a translation of selected poems by the possible authors of Shakespeare’s works. The third part is a new translation of selected poems on Shakespeare written by famous English and American poets.







William Shakespeare’s works look like a male Mona Lisa with eyes of light and a smile hiding obscure luminosities.Dealing with the mysteries of authorship in his canon, this introduction introduces William Shakespeare’s life and his last will and testament by quoting and interpreting Ted Hughes’ poem entitled: “Shakespeare, drafting his will in 1605, plots an autobiographical play for 1606”. It also introduces briefly Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, Francis Bacon and etc. as the possible authors of Shakespeare.

We will never solve all the mysteries out in Shakespeare's works. Aesthetics and politics, however, are two keys to unlock more or less them. The poet emphasizes the three themes of 'fair, kind and true' in one, proclaiming that virtue is beauty, and that inner beauty, especially in the verse, shines more than the outer one, and shall shine for ever. Shakespeare's political legacy, especially embodied in his narrative poem The Rape of Lucrece, classic play Julius Caesar, tragedy Hamlet and romance The Tempest. In The Rape of Lucrece and Julius Caesar, Shakespeare defends the rights of oppressed men and recognizes the legitimacy of overthrowing tyranny. Hamlet, in which the prince lives in the kingdom built upon the twin pillars of violence and lies, has huge implications for recognizing contemporary dictatorship and the source of the social cancer. In The Tempest, the dreams of the native Caliban are with both political and sexual meanings. After his dream for power seems dead, the protagonist Prospero realizes that everything is empty.

The religious views of Shakespeare are a difficult subject because of the authorship question. We can only discuss his spiritual beliefs, his love and legacy, based on his published work. Shakespeare’s voices of mercy from the mouths of Portia in The Merchant of Venice and others, are that of a universal humanism in Christianity. In one of Shylock's speeches in the play we hear the protest of the Jew's human rights trodden under foot.

Shakespeare's humanism is combined with pantheistic and naturalistic elements, which are shared by Platonism and Buddhism. The great poet can be regarded as a Pratyekabuddha, "a lone buddha," one of different types of enlightened beings. His realization of emptiness is embodied in the speeches of some characters. In Shakespeare's works, we can see human nature as the combination of natural desire and reason, and the taming of the self or the self-taming of both the 'wolfish earls,' the aristocrats of the ruling class, and the lamblike but brutal people, which is sometimes the scene of the wolves and the lambs dancing together.

In analyzing the sonnet 29, the author notes that the poet-speaker’s love, the " master-mistress," cannot be read as a biological intersexed person but a symbol for spiritual androgyny, which is resemble to the harmony model of Yin and Yang or the temperament of tamper force with mercy (gangrouxiangji) in the Chinese Culture.

Keywords: authorship, beauty, politics, humanism, Buddhism, human nature, love, androgyny






  關於莎士比亞全部著作的真實作者身分,爭議由來已久。人所共知,依照傳統說法,英國詩人、劇作家和演員威廉.莎士比亞,被廣泛視為最偉大的英國作家和世界文豪,於1564年4月生於埃文河畔斯特拉福德小鎮一個商人家庭裏,念過文法學校,十八歲那年,與比他大八歲的安妮(Anne Hathaway)結婚,六個月後安妮生下女兒蘇珊娜(Susanna),兩年後又生一對龍鳳胎,男孩十來歲早夭,女孩名叫朱迪斯(Judith)。十六世紀末到十七世紀初的二十多年間,莎翁在倫敦投身戲劇事業,並且是宮內大臣劇團的合夥人之一,一生寫了《哈姆雷特》、《奧賽羅》、《李爾王》、《麥克白》等38部劇作,154首十四行詩和2部長篇敘事詩。

       英國桂冠詩人和莎學家特德.休斯(Ted Hughes)發表於1998年的一首短詩,題為〈莎士比亞,1605年草書遺囑,構思次年的一部自傳性戲劇〉,可以見出莎翁晚年心態:






  在休斯的想象中,莎翁立遺囑時像李爾王一樣把全部遺產一分為三。莎學家大都認為莎翁與他的妻子安妮的關係撲朔迷離,可能相互怨恨。在莎翁1616年3月的親筆遺囑中,他隻把「我的次好的床」,即他們婚後共享的床等幾件遺物留給妻子。家裏最好的床是給賓客用的。莎學家鄧肯—瓊斯(Katherine Duncan-Jones)在《莎士比亞:非紳士的一生》等最新傳記中認為:莎翁寫遺囑的時候,決意不讓安妮占用那張最好的床,甚至在他死後她也不能占用。遺囑之外莎翁的另一真跡,是四行詩〈墓誌銘〉:

      Good frend for Iesvs sake forbeare, / To digg the dvst encloased heare.

      Bleste be ye man yt spares thes stones, / And cvrst be he yt moves my bones.




      1616年4月23日(儒略曆,公曆5月3日)莎翁逝世,葬於當地聖三一教堂。有關他的私人生活,史料甚少。第一四開本(the first Quarto)十四行詩集於1609年出版,署名Shake-speare,莎劇第一對折本(the First Folio)是在他身後七年於1623年出版的,題為《威廉·莎士比亞先生的喜劇、曆史劇和悲劇》。這些作品究竟出自誰的手筆,留下難解之謎,早就日漸形成了質疑傳統說法,與正統派論戰的懷疑派。懷疑派的共識之一是:斯特拉福德的威廉·莎士比亞和在倫敦從藝的威廉·莎士比亞是兩個不同的人,後者隻是一個筆名,被過去的曆史學家錯誤地混為同一個人。




威廉·莎士比亞等原著  傅正明譯著




 本書是譯者研究和重譯莎士比亞的最新成果, 三卷合為一冊。卷首是本書的長篇導論,側重從政治維度和佛教視角詮釋莎士比亞。全書譯詩108 首。

卷一精選新譯莎士比亞54 首詩歌,包括十四行詩中的10 首最佳詩作,敘事詩的代表作或摘選、莎劇中的部分詩體台詞、 詩篇和歌詞。


卷三是「英美詩人論莎士比亞詩歌」詩歌選譯36首,不少出自莎士比亞同時代以來英美大詩人的手筆, 一部分作品是首次譯為中文。

從英漢對照中可以看出,全部譯詩注重詩的意象意境, 語言錘煉和韻律之美, 力求在翻譯的 「異化」與「歸化」之間保持平衡,風格與前人各家翻譯迥然相異。

About the Author and Translator

Fu Zhengming, Chinese poet, scholar and translator living in Sweden, was born in Shaoyang city in Hunan province in 1948 and graduated from the Chinese Department of Beijing University with a Degree of Master of Arts.

 Fu has written and published a number of books such as On the Ruins in Poland - Szymborska 's Art of Poetry and the Cultural Traditions (Beijing, 1998), Dark Poet Huang Xiang and His Colorful World ( New York, 2003), Comment on a Century of the Nobel Prize In Literature (Taipei, 2004), The Structure of World Literature (Taipei, 2013), A Parachute Jump from Dreams: The Poetic Word of Tomas Transrtrömer (Taipei, Commercial Press, 2013) and The Poet-Monk With Crazy Wisdom: A Romantic Trilogy of Chögyam Trunpa ( Taipel, 2017). In the area of translation, Fu’s numerous works include The Art of Greek Comedy (Catherine Lever, E-C, Beijing, 1988), A New Translation of English Lyrics(Taipei, Commercial Press, 2012) , Five Hundred Poems from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (Taipei, 2015) and A Monument of Poetry Built by William Shakespeare & Others (Taipei, 2016).


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