Fancy Craft

I would like to present some craft projects of my own.
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舊時代的丫頭愛女紅: a maid from old time

(2014-06-13 09:43:53) 下一個


Sometimes, I feel that in my past life, I must be a maid doing knitting all the time. When I sit down doing my craft projects, time seems to be stopped. But it actually flies.

Beading is my first hobby. I love the simple color in beads, and the variety of things you can made with them. My beading projects are mainly simple necklaces and bracelets, as more complex projects involving huge amount of time and effort to learn and practice. I just started with a string and beads of brilliant colors. Because I don't like to read instructions in beading magazines, I mainly look at pictures and do it as I feel right. Most of the time, I go to stores and browse their beads. I buy the ones that look nice to me and think of a project that might use them. I like to try different color combinations. Blue, red are two of my favorite color schemes. If I have time later one, I might venture into yellow and orange.


1.a A necklace made of blue and golden beads.

1.b The view from the side.


1.c The back


2a. I completed the collar decoration with sequins.


2b. The picture of the unfinished one from last post.


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40er 回複 悄悄話 謝謝喜歡:-)
laota 回複 悄悄話 漂亮!讚!