

《楞伽阿跋多羅寶經新譯 》 第一章 (一)

(2014-09-17 09:55:07) 下一個

The Lankavatara Sutra
鈴木大拙   梵譯英
隨意兒      英譯漢

Chapter 1: Ravana Asking for Instruction
一章  楞伽城夜叉王羅婆那請法


Om! Homage to the Triple Treasure! Homage to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!

OM! 頂禮三寶!禮敬諸佛菩薩!

Thus have I heard.Truth.


The Bhagavan once stayed in the Castle of Lanka, which is situated on the peak of Mount Malaya on the great ocean, and which is adorned with flowers made of jewels of various kinds.


He was with a large assembly of Bhikshus(monks) and with a great multitude of Bodhisattvas, who had come together from various Buddha-lands. 



The Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas, headed by the Bodhisattva Maha-mati(Great Wisdom), were all perfect masters of the various Samadhis, the [tenfold] self-mastery, the [ten] powers, and the [six] psychic faculties; they were anointed by the hands of all the Buddhas;


they all well understood the significance of the objective world as the manifestation of their own Heart; they knew how to maintain [various] forms, teachings, and disciplinary measures, according to the various mentalities and behaviours of beings; they were thoroughly versed in the five Dharmas, the [three] Svabhavas, the [eight]  Vijnanas(consciousness), and the twofold non-Self.


At that time, the Bhagavan, who had been preaching in the palace of the Great Oceanic Dragon King, came out at the expiration of seven days and was greeted by an innumerable host of heavenly beings including Sakra, Brahma, and dragon kings. 


Looking at Lanka on Mount Malaya, the Bhagavan smiled and said, "By the Tathagatas of the past, who were Arhats and Fully-Enlightened Ones, this Truth was made the subject of their discourse, at that castle of Lanka on the mountain-peak of Malaya, -- the Truth realizable by noble wisdom in one's inmost self, which is beyond the reasoning knowledge of the philosophers as well as the state of consciousness of the Sravakas(Voice-hearers) and Pratyekabuddhas( Conditional-Awakeners). I, too, would now for the sake of Ravana, Overlord of the Yakshas, discourse on this Truth."

世尊舉目眺望摩羅耶山頂的楞伽城堡,微笑而語:“過去全覺之諸佛如來,皆於此城開示其所證悟 ----- 從其自心深處引發妙智而升起真理證量,超越一切出於邏輯推理之哲理,異於一切聲聞緣覺所悟所證之意境。今我亦當於此為羅婆那夜叉王開示如是妙法。”

[Inspired] by the sacrosanct power of the Tathagata, Ravana, Lord of the Rakshasas, heard the Buddha's voice. Indeed, the Bhagavan, surrounded and accompanied by an in-numerable host of Sakra, Brahma, Guardian Gods, and heavenly dragons, came out of the palace of the Great Oceanic Dragon King;


and looking at the waves of the ocean and also at the mental agitations going on in those assembled, [he thought of] the ocean of the Alaya-consciousness (Alaya-vijnana) where the evolving Vijanas [like the waves] are stirred by the wind of objectivity. While he was standing there [thus absorbed in contemplation, Ravana saw him and] uttered a joyous cry, saying: "I will go and request of the Buddha to enter into Lanka; for the long night [of transmigrations) he would probably profit, do good, and gladden the gods as well as human beings."


Thereupon, Ravana, Lord of the Rakshasas, with his attendants, riding in his floral celestial chariot, came up where the Buddha was, and having arrived there he and his attendants came out of the chariot. Walking around the Buddha three times from left to right, they played on a musical instrument, beating it with a stick of blue Indra (saphire), and hanging the lute at one side, which was inlaid with the choicest lapis lazuli and supported by [a ribbon of] priceless cloth, yellowish-white like jewels, they sang with various notes such as Saharshya, Rishabha , Gandhara, Dhaivata, Nishada. Madyama, and Kaisika, which were melodiously modulated in Grama, Murchana, etc.; the voice in accompaniment with the flute beautifully blended with the measure of the Gatha (verses):


"The truth-treasure whose principle is the self-nature of Mind, has no selfhood (nairatmyam), stands above all reasoning, and is free from impurities; it points to the knowledge attained in one's inmost self; Lord, show me here the way leading to the Truth.


"The Sugata is the body in whom are stored immaculate virtues; in him are manifested [bodies] trans-forming and transformed; he enjoys the Truth realized in his inmost self; may he visit Lanka. Now is the time, Muni!


"This Lanka was inhabited by the Buddha s of the past, and [they were] accompanied by their sons who were owners of many form s. Lord, show me now the highest Truth, and the Yakshas who are endowed with many forms will listen. Thereupon, Ravana, the Lord of Lanka, further adapting the Totaka rhythm sang this in the measure of the Gatha.


After seven nights, the Bhagavan leaving the ocean which is the abode of the Makara, the palace of the sea-king, now stands on the shore. Just as the Buddha rises, Ravana, accompanied by the Apsaras and Yakshas numerous, by Suka, Sarana, and learned men, Miraculously goes over to the place where the Lord is standing. Alighting from the floral vehicle, he greets the Tathagata reverentially, makes him offerings, tells him who he is, and stands by the Lord.


"I who have come here, am called Ravana, the ten-headed king of the Rakshasas, mayest thou graciously receive me with Lanka and all its residents.


In this city, the inmost state of consciousness realized, indeed, by the Enlightened Ones of the past was disclosed on this peak studded with precious stones.


"Let the Bhagavan, too. surrounded by sons of the Victorious One, now disclose the Truth immaculate on this peak embellished with precious stones; we, together with the residents of Lanka, desire to listen.


"The Lankavatara Sutra which is praised by the Buddhas of the past [discloses] the inmost state of consciousness realized by them, which is not founded on any system of doctrine. I recollect the Buddhas of the past surrounded by sons of the Victorious One recite this Sutra; the Bhagavan, too, will speak.


"In the time to come, there will be Buddhas and Buddha-Sons pitying the Yakshas; the Leaders will discourse on this magnificent doctrine on the peak adorned with precious stones. This magnificent city of Lanka is adorned with varieties of precious stones, [surrounded] by peaks, refreshing and beautiful and canopied by a net of jewels.


"Bhagavan, here are the Yakshas who are free from faults of greed, reflecting on [the Truth] realized in one's inmost self and making offerings to the Buddhas of the past; they are believers in the teaching of the Mahayana and intent on disciplining one another.


"There are younger Yakshas, girls and boys, desiring to know the Mahayana. Come, Bhagavan, who art our Teacher, come to Lanka on Mount Malaya. The Rakshasas, with Kumbhakara at their head, who are residing in the city, wish, as they are devoted to the Mahayana, to hear about this inmost realization.  They have made offerings assiduously to the Buddhas in the past and are to-day going to do the same. Come, for compassion's sake, to the Lanka, together with [thy] sons. Mahamati, accept my mansion, the company of the Apsaras, necklaces of various sorts, and the delightful Asoka garden. I give myself up to serve the Buddhas and their sons; there is nothing with me that I do not give up [for their sake]; Great Muni, have compassion on me!"


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