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xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:


imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:
抱歉, 我的笑話不好玩。 現在會在Mac上輸簡體了。 就怕中文, 洋文都說不好, 會讓人笑話滴。
xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複海攀的評論:


———— 故意製造極端情況去考驗感情的才是傻子呢,真要遇到極端情況難道還能回避不成?

imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:
I really does not think she is that bad. Am I a fool?
gm07 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:

strongly agree with your comment
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:

Imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:
Jing deserting Zheng is never a decent thing. However my impression is that she is lost in desperation. Jim just fills in the emptiness that Zheng left. Jing in nature is not a material girl, she lost hope in Zheng. The sheer superiority of Jim in social status, wealth and career success at the time may have overwhelmed and blinded her. If she realizes she and Zheng can achieve that sooner or later, more or less, she will not give up that quickly. She does not realize that youth is priceless and not look far enough. That is the tragedy of her. Juan is a saint, no argument of that, but Jing deserves better...
Not sure if Jing really loves Jim. She may realize they just exchange what they need not long after their marriage. Her kindredness to Zheng later shows guilty, but more importantly the regret she may yet realize.
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:


xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複海攀的評論:




xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複JEWH的評論:



xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複十年退休的評論:
Hope this story can help new comers to make a better judgement. This is twisted. But maybe Jing will go back to Zheng, you never know.
十年退休 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:
It is very hard to tell what will be the final result for a decision made at current moment. This is so-called "事後諸葛亮,事前豬一樣".
imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複海攀的評論:
The sad thing about Jing is that she changes for worse. Zheng is another Jim give or take in the future. Jing gives him up too quickly. I am not saying she is a saint, just sorry for Jing and Zheng, a perfect young couple, and their happiness ruined like this. Why they need to go through this just because of some old-timer happen to be Zheng's advisor
imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複海攀的評論:
Do not tell me Jing will leave Jim for 肖君傑 !? But actually they are a good pair.
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複JEWH的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複gm07的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:
Sorry, messed up. Here is the correct one:

Kind of disagree. She is not that heartless like some people said. Jing certainly needs love and care like everyone else. She is like most of us spending most of her life in the school. She even works in the school. Her expectation of life is far from mature. That is the cause of this tragedy and she may be the one hurt the most.
Assuming all things said are true, then Jim is a outright loser before he met Jing. He is a old bachelor, having no close friends. His life is his lab and his papers, which is normal for a researcher. He chases every beautiful girl in his lab and is despised by his students and colleagues. He does not have a life. Jing is probably the last hope of his happiness. Jing is his savior. Luck him, he got her.
For Jing, she is young, beautiful and kind hearted. She deserves a young, loving and admiring husband as her companion. She deserves better. However, she ends up a Jim's lap pet from the princess of Zheng. Marrying Jim hardly equals joining the high class. It is almost impossible that Jim's circle will accept her. And Jim is just an old timer in the eyes of the people born here, showing his face at some academic conferences and student graduation ceremonies and working busily with his tubes and scales. Will Jing be happier, may be in the first several years... Zheng's pain is temporary, but Jing's regret will be long lasting. She is the real victim and she has so much potential...
imtheman 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:
Kind of disagree. Jing certainly needs love and care like everyone else. She is like most of us spending most of her life in the school. She even works in the school. Her expectation of life is far from mature. That is the cause of this tragedy and she may be the one hurt the most.
Assuming all things said are true, then Jim is a outright loser before he met Jing. He is a old bachelor, having no close friends. His life is his lab and his papers, which is normal for a researcher. He chases every beautiful girl in his lab and is despised by his students and colleagues. He does not have a life. Jing is probably the last hope of his happiness. Jing is his savior. Luck him, he got her.
Kind of disagree. She is not that heartless like some people said. Jing certainly needs love and care like everyone else. She is like most of us spending most of her life in the school. She even works in the school. Her expectation of life is far from mature. That is the cause of this tragedy and she may be the one hurt the most.
Assuming all things said are true, then Jim is a outright loser before he met Jing. He is a old bachelor, having no close friends. His life is his lab and his papers, which is normal for a researcher. He chases every beautiful girl in his lab and is despised by his students and colleagues. He does not have a life. Jing is probably the last hope of his happiness. Jing is his savior. Luck him, he got her.
For Jing, she is young, beautiful and kind hearted. She deserves a young, loving and admiring husband as her companion. She deserves better. However, she ends up a Jim's lap pet from the princess of Zheng. Marrying Jim hardly equals joining the high class. It is almost impossible that Jim's circle will accept her. And Jim is just an old timer in the eyes of the people born here, showing his face at some academic conferences and student graduation ceremonies and working busily with his tubes and scales. Will Jing be happier, may be in the first several years... Zheng's pain is temporary, but Jing's regret will be long lasting. She is the real victim and she has so much potential...
JEWH 回複 悄悄話 回複gm07的評論:
gm07 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:

She always wants to take advantages of her different marriages according to the novel.
xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複imtheman的評論:

imtheman 回複 悄悄話 Jing should get a MBA from a good school. She is a natural people person and talented in management. Her potential is not just a lab manager, who can say in straight face she cannot achieve things on par with Zheng or even Jim if not bigger? Instead she is living in this narrow space almost suffocating – earning a salary from Jim and taking care of her ex-husband. Seeing her becoming a saint makes me sad. I can only wish she really loves Jim.
海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複xiaoc288的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複於小芷的評論:

海攀 回複 悄悄話 回複葫蘆娃爸爸的評論:

xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 鄭衛思考問題,還是有中式思維,麵子觀太重了。歐美的老外很多不在乎這個的,更務實所以才能有進步~~
xiaoc288 回複 悄悄話 回複於小芷的評論:

於小芷 回複 悄悄話 郑卫试读才半年多,这其中他努力学习的状态还反複过一次,这厶短的时间,他就补上了缺的知识成为小牛人了??神速啊 生物的东西这厶好补吗?
葫蘆娃爸爸 回複 悄悄話 科研的最後拚得就是細節. 攀攀的確有深厚的生活基礎,所以寫的妙筆生花.