
The Greatest Craftsman

(2008-02-18 02:10:16) 下一個
英文教會退休的老牧師周日來我們教會講道,談到一把名貴小提琴如何破碎,又如何在大師手中得以修複的故事。 耶穌也是那最偉大的巧匠,像修複這把小提琴那樣修複一顆顆破碎心靈。舊約以賽亞書裏已經描述這位將來的彌賽亞---也就是耶穌基督,他是一位怎樣的人:Wonderful counsellor,Mighty God,Everlasting father ,Prince of peace。 老牧師告訴我, 這片布道詞全文登載在英文教會EBCG的網站上。


The government will be upon his shoulder


This Christmas there will no doubt be much mention of peace as man’s seeks to mend his broken world – sadly a vain hope, but listen to this story:

Put the Pieces Back Together by Norman Vincent Peale

Everyone knows someone who has suffered a setback in life. e.g.the loss of a loved one, perhaps. Some financial disaster that seems irretrievable, or some betrayal of trust. Very often the person seems numb, hopeless, broken.

Here is a true story, about a distinguished British violinist named Peter Cropper.

Cropper was the leader of London's famed Lindsay Quartet.  In the summer of 1981, the quartet was invited to Finland to play at the Kuhmo Music Festival. Earlier Pe¬ter had been paid a great compliment: In recognition of his outstanding work in music, the Royal Academy of Music in London offered to lend him a violinist's dream — a priceless 258-year-old Stradivarius.

All musicians revere the memory of Antonio Stradivari of Cremona, Italy. He brought the art of violin-making to its highest pinnacle of perfection. Each instrument was crafted of over 80 pieces of specially selected pine, boxwood and ebony. Then, by a secret process never since duplicated, 30 coats of a soft-textured varnish were applied. Each finished Stradivarius produced exquis¬itely resonant notes, which seemed to intensify the farther they travelled from the strings.
In Finland, as Peter Cropper hurried onstage, the unthinkable happened. He tripped, falling on the Stradivarius, breaking the neck completely off. It was a hideous nightmare come true.

Somehow, with a borrowed violin, Cropper got through the concert. Still in shock, he flew back to England. Far from blaming him, members of the Royal Academy tried to console him. But he was inconsolable.

Then a London violin dealer named Charles Beare offered to have his shop try to repair the Strad. A month later, informed that the job was done, Peter Cropper travelled to London with an anxious heart.  Inside the store, he waited almost fearfully. When the violin was brought to him he stared at it, astounded, as the aproned craftsman, summoned down from his workbench, pointed out where the repairs had been made.  Try as he might. Peter Cropper could not see them.

But the crucial teat was yet to come. How would it sound?  He picked it up, hesitated a moment, then began to play a violin concerto. As the soaring notes sounded through the shop, Peter Cropper could hardly believe what he was hearing. The tone was even more resonant than before!

Shortly thereafter, Peter Cropper led the Lindsay Quartet on an international tour. Night after night he drew beauty
from the Stradivarius he once thought ruined forever — all because the broken parts were placed in the hands of a master craftsman who brought his healing touch to bear!

Do I have to spell out the moral? Not really.  It's so plain!  If you think your life can never soar or sing again, why not turn it over to the greatest Craftsman of all, Jesus Christ? Let Him take the broken pieces and put them back together again.  He will do it. All you have to do is ask!


The 4 titles of the Messiah bring hope for us today as they have ever since the time of Isaiah and even more so since the incarnation of the Son of God.

Wonderful counsellor - in a world where there are many counsellors; marriage, youth, family, psychiatric and political - there is much natural wisdom, but it is often inadequate and inaccurate as well. There is the need of another supernatural counsellor with divine wisdom for this world and for individuals in darkness and perplexity.

Mighty God-who but God can rule the world and individuals in it? Who has the necessary power and authority? Only God can unify and unite man in society - man is unable, inadequate and weak.

Everlasting father - consider the longing of man to find a spiritual home, and meaning to life in contrast the imperfections of human fatherhood, the fragility of family life and its ephemeral transient nature with that wonderful steadfast Person who we can call Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Prince of peace- peace is a princely gift and it will go on increasing in the measure that the government is on his shoulder and not on yours or mine.

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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苗青青 回複 悄悄話 貝卡, 這個網站上有我們英文教會所有的布道演講內容,這個教會的兩位英語牧師神學素養相當出色, 人也好。

你若對神學信仰方麵的問題感興趣,不妨抽空聽聽他們的演講。有的相當有意思,那天我聽了Re Created Heart, 講得很係統。給人很多希望。

信仰如果不是從整體來理解,常常會得出片麵的結論。好的神學家就是能避免片麵的神學家, 才能給人帶來很多盼望。


林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 苗青青.

Thank you so much for sharing it.

Happy Lantern Festival to you,
