

(2006-09-24 13:58:39) 下一個
牛津大學教授Richard Brent長期以來受聘於《亞洲數學月刊》(Asian Journal of Mathematics, 簡稱AJM)任編委。日前,他因不滿雜誌主編丘成桐先生誘逼編委會在三日內同意丘的學生的文章在三日內發表而憤然辭去AJM編委的職務。下麵是他證實曹朱文章審稿程序違規的信件。
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Richard Brent

I think the statement is essentially correct although I can't confirmthe precise numbers or dates.

On 23 April 2006 I received the following email. There was no paper or even abstract attached, so it's not clear on what basis the editors were meant to comment. Since the paper was clearly not in my area I did not reply. Later I was cc-ed in some emails by other editors, but by then it was too late as it seems that the paper had already been published.

By the way, partly in reaction to this controversy, I have recently resigned
from the editorial board of the AJM.

Yours sincerely,
Richard Brent

Yau's letter to the Edotorial Board of AJM:

Dear Editors,

The paper The Hamilton-Perelman Theory of Ricci Flow --- the Poincare and geometrization conjectures by Huai-Dong Cao and Xi-Ping Zhu has been read by Prof. S.T. Yau and he has recommended the paper be published in the Asian Journal of Mathematics.

I would be most grateful if you could send me your comments within the next three days. If no comments are received by then, the paper is considered accepted for publication.

Thank you very much for your help.

Very best regards,
S.T. Yau [注:S.T. Yau即丘成桐]
Raymond Chan

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