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馬克有時還帶著他的四歲的小兒子X “監國”。見圖(老馬你能不能慎重一點,不知道川總有潔癖嗎?)












So far老川隻是執政一個月,希望他會繼續努力為美國人民服務、少收點關稅(怕提高通脹),為全人類的和平貢獻力量, 要能拿到像奧巴馬那樣的諾貝爾和平獎,那就是完美的句號。

還記得去年七月老川在賓州的巴特勒縣被打那一槍的時、俺正在南加州住在一個A irBNB裏麵看電視,當時我就對旁邊的人說,這拜登怎麽能贏他呀?!所以曆史定格在那個瞬間,《one moment in time》,那個瞬間也變成美國曆史的一部分,並將改變未來世界的格局。

所以下麵這首歌《瞬間》One Moment in Time 就獻給老川吧。如歌裏所唱的,他現在有計劃plans現在也有機會chance……

另一首禿鷹的歌(美國濱州等地的禿鷹是美國的國鳥),這首有點傷感的歌是秘魯 Peru的一首(1913年)民歌,剛在中國的春晚上被周深等唱過,伴奏的樂器是排簫與笛子,大自然的樂器。這首歌獻給來自南半球的馬斯克挺合適的,他的心態就是隨心所欲的自然的展露。


1. One moment in time (瞬間) by Ap+

2. El Condor Pasa(鷹之路) by AP+

高飛的時光 and



1. One Moment in Time

原唱/Song by Whitney Houston

Each day I live

I want to be

A day to give

The best of me

I'm only one

But not alone

My finest day

Is yet unknown

I broke my heart

Fought every gain

To taste the sweet

I face the pain

I rise and fall

Yet through it all

This much remains

I want one moment in time

When I'm more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I'm racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will feel

I will feel eternity

I've lived to be

The very best

I want it all

No time for less

I've laid the plans

Now lay the chance

Here in my hands

Give me one moment in time

When I'm more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I'm racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will feel

I will feel eternity

You're a winner for a lifetime

If you seize that one moment in time

Make it shine

Give me one moment in time

When I'm more than I thought I could be

When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away

And the answers are all up to me

Give me one moment in time

When I'm racing with destiny

Then in that one moment of time

I will be

I will be

I will be free

I will be

I will be free


El cóndor pasa (If I Could)

英文原唱Song by Simon & Garfunkle

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail

Yes, I would

If I could

I surely would

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail

Yes, I would

If I only could

I surely would

Away, I'd rather sail away

Like a swan that's here and gone

A man gets tied up to the ground

He gives the world its saddest sound

Its saddest sound

I'd rather be a forest than a street

Yes, I would

If I could

I surely would

I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet

Yes, I would

If I only could

I surely would

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AP33912 發表評論於
@京妞, 是有點神奇啊,頭四年他推紅了Twitters,這個後四年必然讓馬斯克特別紅火
BeijingGirl1 發表評論於
AP 唱的好。 哈哈, 第一屆推特治國, 共發了4萬多帖子, 平均每天20多個; 第二屆馬斯克治國,還是進步了嗎
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康賽歐 發表評論於
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注冊怎麽這麽難 發表評論於