I really feel that learning one idiom a week is very helpful as idioms are our relative weakness . My friend mentioned "Once in a blue moon" recently, I got it right away as I learned it with 蟲蟲 from 一句話翻譯。歡迎大家主動報名主持一句話翻譯:)
1. Chinese to English:
己所不欲 勿施於人 (有參考答案)
2. English to Chinese:
3. Idiom:
the best thing since sliced bread
Please make a sentence with "the best thing since sliced bread”
A humorous and hyperbolic statement indicating one's belief that something is excellent, especially something new and innovative.
(sliced bread : The last best thing. An American inventor named Otto Rohwedder devised a machine that sliced a loaf of bread into individual slices. First sold in 1928, it was touted as “the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped,” which led to popular phrase “the best thing since sliced bread.” )