Good morning everyone,
Happy Friday!
I was standing beside a big window, looking outside. The heavy snow fall a few days ago left piles of snow collecting along the sidewalk and driveway. The green lawn dispeared under a thick layer of snow. An idea came into my mind. Let's have a snow day to so some translation exercise releated to snow.
[心存善念]: Snow makes squeaky sound under my feet.
[ibelieu]: The snow on the ground squeaks a complaint as one steps onto it.
[CLary]: Stepping on the snow gives sound of squeaking
[妖妖靈]: The piling snow on the ground sings a song under the feet.
[移花接木]: The snow is squeaky when walking on the ground.
Please translate the below into Chinese:
The wonderful purity of nature at this season is a most pleasing fact. Every decayed stump and moss-grown stone and rail, and the dead leaves of autumn, are concealed by a clean napkin of snow.
[心存善念]: 冬季,這才是世界應有的模樣啊!天地銀白,悅目清心。往日那長滿青苔的石頭和鐵軌,連並道旁半腐的樹木殘根,這時也都消失得無影無蹤了。
[ibelieu]: 大自然在這個季節所展現的純潔無暇令人心醉不已。無論頹樹陋石鏽鐵還是秋日留下的殘枝敗葉,統統被一張白雪鋪就的大席掩蓋無遺。
[CLary]: 這個季節裏大自然完美的純淨是最令人欣喜的。幹枯的樹樁和長滿苔蘚的石頭以及鐵軌,秋天的敗葉都被這張巨大而潔淨的雪被覆蓋了。
[妖妖靈]: 這個季節的大自然的純淨是最讓人心曠神怡的。腐爛的樹樁,長著青苔的石頭石徑,還有枯樹葉,都被如麵巾的白雪覆蓋
[移花接木]: 這個季節裏自然的純淨度是最令人喜歡的因素。 每一塊朽木,蓋滿苔蘚的石頭與軌道,以及秋天的落葉 都被幹淨的雪紙巾覆蓋。
Idiom: (explain its meaning and give an example)
To Snow One Under With Something
Example: I am tired, but Tom keeps snowing me under with all this work that he doesn’t want to do.
[心存善念]: Some work-from-home parents are really snowed under by dealing with their own work and helping kids with their remote learning in the same time.
[ibelieu]: Snowing people under with all sorts of misinformation, the politicians went about hiding the truth: inflation is rampant.
[CLary]: A "tiger-mom"may snow her kid under with all kinds of extra curricular classes.
[移花接木]:I am fed up with the Covid variants to snow me under with dose after dose of vaccines.