甲:你精神病 you crazy! (在常人看來精神不正常是瘋子)
乙:你神經病 you idiot! (在常人看來神經不正常是傻子)
Secret and confidential data should be saved in safe and secure environment.
機密 (secret is higher classified than confidential, both refer to the restricted access to certian information only being granted to specific group of people) 的信息和數據應存放在保險(指防自然風險)和安全(指防人為風險)的地方。
( 請解釋清楚 精神病 vs神經病,secret vs confidential , safe vs secure 的區別)
3 idiom - I always feel under the weather when it gets windy and cold.
Ayano was feeling under the weather, so she left work early.