【Chinese to English Translation】
1. 善戰者鮮能善和,善和者寡能善戰。
Good fighters are rarely good at reconciling, and vice versa.
2. 對穀歌的使用價值再怎麽估計也不會過高。
3. 是金子不一定都發光。
Not every gold has chance to shine.
4. 隻要功夫深, 鐵杵磨成針。
Persistence matters.
【English to Chinese Translation】
1. All cookies are not fattening.
2. Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster and fling him to the public.
1. 所有的餅幹都不會讓人發胖。
2. 寫書是一種冒險。 首先它是一種玩具和一種娛樂。 然後它變成了情婦,然後變成了主人,然後變成了暴君。 最後一個階段是,就在您即將接受奴役時,您殺死了怪物並將其拋向公眾。
【Idiom Paraphrasing】
Note: Paraphrase the following two idioms that are marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese.
1. The biggest bank heist in history was about to go down. 倒閉
2. I loved the first book but the sequel is a different kettle of fish. 截然不同的事物
1. Seeing that the police was coming, (the robbery left) the money was left by the robbers beside the cash register.
2. People should stop to smoke (smoking) Cigarette as cigarettes smoking has been shown to cause cancer.