1. 漢譯英 三個諺語,一句話翻譯還是三句話翻譯? 三個諺語每個隻有一句話,沒毛病。 要不就任選一句吧。
- 朝霞不出門,晚霞行千裏 (好熟悉的氣象諺語:))
Red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning.
- 禍不單行
When it rains, it pours.
- 情人眼裏出西施
Beauty is in the eye of beholder.
2. 英譯漢
The Duke of Sussex has appeared to criticise the way he was raised by Prince Charles, discussing the “genetic pain and suffering” in the royal family and stressing that he wanted to “break the cycle” for his children.
Sussex公爵談到皇家帶給他的痛和困擾並強調為了孩子們他想衝破這個怪圈時,聽起來像是在批評查爾斯王子育子不當。(媽呀,咋那麽別扭! haha)