對我們社區的許多人,這是我們第一次能夠說出我們的恐懼與憤怒,我感激每一個願意聆聽的人。我知道許多人感到害怕,我理解。克服恐懼的一個辦法是尋求社區幫助。Sandra Oh 演講於停止亞裔仇恨集會
dream field
an acre's field in everyone's heart
a dream in everyone's heart
a grain, oh, a grain of seed
Is the one acre of field in my heart
what to plant in it?
what to plant in it?
plant peach, plant plum,plant beautifulwind
pear flower withered it's spring again
that's the one acre of field, one acre of field inside my heart
that's the never awakened dream inside my heart