My homework

回答: 翻譯求助-代網友發帖衝浪潛水員2014-04-21 22:45:56

腿軟無力(要WALKER鋪助)走半個街口就要休息。==> My legs are weak and I have to use a walker. Still, I have to stop and rest after about half a block. 

眼力差(患白內障)看不清車站牌 ==> My vision is poor with cataract and I cannot see the stop names clearly. 

記憶力差(不能清楚記得醫生診室需要的下站的地點,有些地點還要轉車)==> My memory is failing and I cannot remember which stations to get off. I need to transfer to get to some doctors' clinics.
