“Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years"
北京外國語大學劉潤清教授誇"譯得妙極了"的句子我怎麽看都是病句。如果class struggle是主謂結果,那這實際上是逗號分開的三個句子,
第三個句子必須用連詞。 也就是說應該是:"Classes struggle, some classes triumph, and others are eliminated"
" Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years" should also be
" Such is history, AND such is the history of civilization for thousands of years"
第二個印象是我們在五年級學了不少《毛澤東選集》的英譯文章。那是在1965年,全國正在醞釀“文化大革命”。教學上開始強調“政治掛帥”,《毛澤東選集》的英文版進入了課堂。客觀地說,《毛澤東選集》英譯本是我國幾十位翻譯家花了多年的時間,經過反複推敲而打造出來的一部精品。裘克安、莊繹傳老師都參加過此書的翻譯,並給我們講過翻譯過程中的酸甜苦辣。現在,沒有人再拿英譯《毛澤東選集》當課本了,或者有人始終看不起這樣的翻譯。但是,我要說,我們從英譯《毛澤東選集》中學到了很多有用的東西:它幫助我們體驗翻譯過程,認識翻譯技巧,感受文化異同。舉幾個有趣的例子吧。當時我們每天背頌的一句毛主席語錄是:“階級鬥爭,一些階級勝利了,一些階級消滅了,這就是曆史,這就是幾千年的文明史。”乍一看,這句話簡直沒辦法譯成英文。等我讀了英譯文才知道,原來自己根本就沒讀懂原文。“階級鬥爭”一詞,我一直把它當作名詞詞組來看待,所以無法翻譯。而英譯文為:“Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history, such is the history of civilization for thousands of years.”譯得妙極了。有些中國俗語譯成英文也相當困難,要想譯得準確、地道,必須要下一番工夫。有一條毛主席語錄說,“凡事應該動腦筋想一想。俗話說:‘眉頭一皺,計上心來’,就是說多想出智慧。”英譯文為:“We should always use our brains and think everything over carefully. A common saying goes:‘Knit your brows and you will hit upon a stratagem.’ In other words, much thinking yields wisdom. ”注意,第一句加了主語“We”,“hit upon a stratagem”譯得好,還有“yield”也用得恰到好處。這些用詞,隻有英語語言造詣極深的人才想得出來。另一條毛主席語錄是“馬克思主義者看問題,不僅要看部分,而且要看全體。一個蛤蟆坐在井裏說:‘天有一個井大,’這是不對的,因為天不止一個井大。”英譯文為:“In approaching a problem a Marxist should see the whole as well as the parts. A frog in a well says, ‘The sky is no bigger than the mouth of the well.’ That is untrue, for the sky is not just the size of the mouth of the well.”注意,這裏的“no bigger than”用得好,“the mouth”加得準確,將“坐”字漏掉,處理得好,“the size”又巧妙地避免了重複。