談虎色變!謝謝 Bill 和 小曼!

來源: NewVoice 2012-10-16 03:09:51 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2423 bytes)
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回答: 剛讀到你說的第一句那兒yingyudidida2012-10-15 17:47:34


在前一段,Gat*****y 稱自己是 rajah, rajah is an Indian term for a monarch,or princely ruler of the Kshatriya varna, 是帶 turban 的。另外,下麵文青說 rajah 也是 Aladdin 中的 Pet tiger。所以,這可能是 Gat*****y 帶著頭巾追老虎的由來。至於為什麽漏 sawdust, 這裏有個解釋:

The phrase "leaking sawdust at every pore" relates to how the old days the mannequins were covered with cloth and filled with sawdust and the sawdust would leak through the cloth because it was fake. (http://vestaviarebel13.blogspot.com/2010/10/1-dust-in-gat*****y.html)



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