酸一篇: Roger and Me

本帖於 2013-04-10 04:55:23 時間, 由普通用戶 非文學青年 編輯

I first knew of Roger Ebert, probably, in the year of 1999 when I first came to Southern California for graduate studies. In the midst of “Friends” reruns, watching Ebert and Roeper arguing about movies was not a relaxing pastime. To fully understand their points would have required a little more attention from me. I don’t know how much I understood their banter at that time, probably about 50%, the same percentage I understand Chinese Weibo tweets nowadays as they are peppered with internet jargon, shorthand and weird translated-from-English new lingo. But I always made sure I was not distracted when "At the Movies" gave a summary with Ebert and Roeper’s famous thumbs. I always turned to their opinions before heading to the cinema and trespassing to the next movies, only paying for one. I was a poor Ph.D student at that time, with plenty of time to waste during weekends. The theatre in the university village did not have the luxury of showing several movies simultaneously. Four or five of us would carpool to West Covina, 30-40 miles east of campus, form groups according to what movies we wanted to watch, and head back to campus area in the wee hours. Did we all have cell phones at that time? I don’t think so. How we arranged everything so beautifully and had everyone watch his movies buffet-style to his heart’s content, is beyond me. Definitely Ebert and Roeper’s thumbs helped the process of choosing the right movies among the myriad of options.


Those days were gone. The next time I heard about Roger Ebert was two years ago from a story on NPR. The years in between seems to be a blur now. He had lost a lot of weight, his face distorted, and he was speaking via a Text-To-Speech software. I thought, how ironic it is for someone whose job and identity are so vitally dependent on his voice to lose his voice! However, at the same time, aren’t we all so vitally dependent on our voices? It’s just that we are not public figures, and the tragedy of losing our voices, if it happens, not as blatant. I also thought, how close the software’s voice is to Ebert’s, comparing with the TTS software I learned about in my linguistics class 10 years ago when I was watching Ebert and Roeper! Roger was in high-spirit. He was a fighter.

Besides the TTS voice, more importantly, Roger found a new voice online. He was an active blogger and my hu*****and suggested me to follow Roger on twitter. I did. Unlike my hu*****and, I don’t use twitter much, or any other social media for that matter. But Roger is really a good one to follow. His comments or linked articles are always refreshing and good reads. Maybe because it was in written form, maybe because I now knew more about American culture, I understood more of his tweets than the time when he was arguing with Richard Roeper. Going to the movies is much more affordable for me now, but I couldn’t afford the time to go, let along to the movie marathons. Reading Roger’s reviews online and sneaking a peek at twitter on my iphone are now my new hobbies like watching Ebert and Roeper was more than a decade ago.

But Roger is gone now. He’s become my first online “friend”, “acquaintance” or “followee” (how do you categorize him?) that died. How can I start to express my melancholy? I don’t know, I don’t know why his death suddenly made me so sentimental. Is it because it reminds me of the days of “At the Movies”, of old friends who went to the movies together with me but now have gone to different parts of the world? Or does his death remind me again of the transience of life? How do we celebrate Roger’s life? How do I let my old friends know that I am thinking of them, and I miss them? What else could be more appropriate and fitting than giving them a thumb’s up? Roger, I will see you at the movies. My old friends, I wish everything is “thumb’s up” with you! As to myself, inspired by Roger’s voice, I am trying to find my, not my New Voice, but my own natural voice, through speaking and writing.


Two thumbs up! -小釗- 給 小釗 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 01:42:32

Thanks for reading it and rating it too. :) -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 15:43:50

Great writing! -衝浪潛水員- 給 衝浪潛水員 發送悄悄話 衝浪潛水員 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 03:40:17

Thank you, 衝浪! How are your TM speeches going? which number are -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 15:45:32

Which number of CC are you at? it got cut off. -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 15:46:22

I finished #7 and am working on #8. Are you a TM? -衝浪潛水員- 給 衝浪潛水員 發送悄悄話 衝浪潛水員 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/11/2013 postreply 03:15:58

I finished my #10 two weeks ago. -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (166 bytes) () 04/11/2013 postreply 12:33:27

Congratulations! That takes dedication and effort. -衝浪潛水員- 給 衝浪潛水員 發送悄悄話 衝浪潛水員 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/11/2013 postreply 18:40:27

Congratuations 文青! I did not know both you and 衝浪 are TM. -2msmom- 給 2msmom 發送悄悄話 (56 bytes) () 04/12/2013 postreply 06:56:34

青兒呀,真是久違了,想你。先問好,晚上再閱讀。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 04:57:38

紫兒,I missed you too! -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (139 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 15:48:58

剛讀了你的文章,寫的好極了,真摯感人,文筆是一如既往的流暢地道。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 19:37:42

謝謝小蔓!keep up the good work! -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 15:49:43

Two thumbs up from me -bmdn- 給 bmdn 發送悄悄話 (333 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 06:55:01

hi, bmdn, what "This dated you" mean? -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 10:01:10

it means -bmdn- 給 bmdn 發送悄悄話 (317 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 12:26:52

Thank you, bmdn, for the explanation -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 15:13:02

Thanks for your comment, DN! -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (653 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 16:06:58

You are fun to talk to. -bmdn- 給 bmdn 發送悄悄話 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 19:59:45

Long time no read. -Lucidus- 給 Lucidus 發送悄悄話 Lucidus 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 07:20:38

奇葩,are you creating new Chinglish? -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (141 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 16:08:59

Analogy -Lucidus- 給 Lucidus 發送悄悄話 Lucidus 的博客首頁 (17947 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 16:21:52

a little bit far-fetching... haha. I run... -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 17:19:04

Nice writing. 很驚訝Roger走了。以前一打開電視就看到他和Siskel津津有味的'argue',也不知他們在講什 -假糊塗- 給 假糊塗 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 09:09:08

看來師兄和DN年紀差不多。 恩。 -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 16:52:40

先謝謝樓上各位朋友回帖和鼓勵,今天有點兒小忙,下午再回來一一回帖。 -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 09:46:56

問好文青 :-) 。 excellent essay! -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (212 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 09:59:56

問好薇薇! -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (597 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 16:57:32

thanks for the explanation, WQ. have a great weekend -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/12/2013 postreply 13:08:15

問好文青!獻上一首【約定】補祝生日快樂並祝白羊們快樂! -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (2026 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 10:21:43

謝謝親愛的!你知道粵語歌對我的殺傷力的,還這麽來煽情害我!!! -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (211 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 17:02:55

Sis, 好文! -NewVoice- 給 NewVoice 發送悄悄話 NewVoice 的博客首頁 (754 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 11:20:55

Thank you, Sis! One thing I left out from the essay is -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (845 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 17:17:11

Vivid memories Qing. All praises to you both no more critics to -京燕花園- 給 京燕花園 發送悄悄話 京燕花園 的博客首頁 (70 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 12:11:11

Thank you, Sis! -非文學青年- 給 非文學青年 發送悄悄話 非文學青年 的博客首頁 (6 bytes) () 04/10/2013 postreply 17:17:50
