Can you surf the net without a computer mouse?
Give it a try: do not use your computer mouse, how well can you surf the Internet?
Feel that it's mission impossible? Awkward? Frustrated? You're not alone.
But there are some shortcuts which may help you in this kind of situation.
My computer mouse suddently stopped working last night. It seemed that it was
impossible for me to even go to this forum. My home page was and after opened IE,
I had to hit the Tab key a lot of times to have the (URL) Address field of the IE highlighted
so that the URL of this forum can be entered. It was so inconvenient if it's not impossible
to even go to a different forum or blog in wenxuecity. So I figured out maybe it's a time
for me to learn something new. I then played with IE and found some shortcuts as follows which can be used when a mouse is not available.
F6 - This is the most important one. When you hit F6, the URL field is highlighted so that one can enter a different URL to visit a different web page.
F5 - This one is for refreshing. I guessed many have known this already.
F11 - Toggle between full screen and non-full screen mode of a web page.
Ctrl-F - I call this combination as Search or Find key. This one is very useful. When one needs to go to a link inside a web page, in most cases one has to hit the Tab key for many times to have the link highlighted. With the help of the Find key, I can go to the desired link by entering just a few keys.
Alt-Tab - This combination of the keys let you switch from one Windows program to another or your desktop.
Alt-F4 - This is used to end a Windows program.
Maybe you know some tips too. Why not share them wtih us?
I will be very interested to see if there is a way to highlight an area for Copy and Paste.