答案, 發現他英譯了很多漢語歌, 這首歌好聽的原因是原作, 這個英文版完全是直譯

回答: 【聽歌練聽力】A Life Long Journey移花接木2022-09-14 06:03:22

英文歌詞有些密集flow 不那麽順暢, 但直譯能配上旋律也很挑戰, 就如我們試圖用古體中國詞牌翻譯英文詩一樣.

總之,是個很好的作品. 這麽直譯結果cannot be better

#人世間 #ALifelongJourney #英文版

- LYRICS - Flowers grow new buds 繁花會發芽

Like children grow up 就像孩子會長大

The train of life rolls on and stops for none 歲月的列車 不為誰停下

Through every station 馳離月台

Memories of joy and misery are felt 列車把喜憂參半的回憶拋下

We’re just snowflakes drifting round ‘til the day we melt 我們像是雪花 飄飄蕩蕩著融化

Every life suffers, lovers part and sleep alone 生命的苦啊 戀侶天涯 空守著床榻

On your adventure turn around and visit home 長旅迢遞 也別忘回身看看家

We’re normal people holding up the family’s roof so their flame 平凡的我們 撐起屋簷之下一方煙火

Is not extinguished by the world’s tides of change 不管人世間多少滄桑變化

I hope you live a joyful life next to your soulmate lover’s side 願你在愛人的身旁 一生璀璨

Hear childhood stories tales of pride all through your mother’s elder eyes 在母親老去的眼眸中 望望她兒時的模樣

Please don’t forget those youthful skies 切勿忘記 舊日蔚藍蒼空

But if fond memories fade with time 但若歲月抹去晴朗

Hold onto one that’s yours and mine 要記得我們的時光

We loved like fire 愛得像火

We lived like warriors 愛得孤勇

For life is precious 人世間值得

In every life there will be pain and there’ll be joy 人一輩子 苦樂總是交雜

With every choice made the sun will rise and slowly fall 無論選擇是何 太陽都會照常升起落下

We’re normal people trying hard to find our way through each storm 你我皆凡人一場 在風暴裏跌跌撞撞

And though our hands are cold our hearts will be warm 哪怕雙手凍僵 心依舊向千陽

I hope you live a joyful life next to your soulmate lover’s side 願你在愛人的身旁 一生璀璨

Hear childhood stories tales of pride all through your mother’s elder eyes 在母親老去的眼眸中 望望她兒時的模樣

Please don’t forget those youthful skies 切勿忘記 舊日蔚藍蒼空

But if fond memories fade with time 但若歲月抹去晴朗

Hold onto one that’s yours and mine 要記得我們的時光

Beneath the sunrise 在和煦日出下

Like seeds we’ll soon rise 像種子在努力生長

A And touch the blue sky 遙遙藍天 要盡力觸摸到啊
