回複:老貓的回復 (四)

回答: 回複:老貓的回復 (三)單身老貓2006-02-28 09:49:49


 (i)根據北卡的法令 § 50‑20-(d)的規定,如果當時雙方有任何書麵的協議來決定對於財產如何分配,任何財產的處理以該書麵協議為主,本案中如果當事人的先生不論現在或是將來同意遷署一個有關夫妻雙方財產(畫分/處理)的同意書,當然可以認為這筆錢是"私人"的財產,離婚時無需另外再就如何處理這筆錢進行討論。

(ii)根據北卡的法令 § 50‑20-(c)-11b 中的四項規定,正好回答了您的問題 "對於共同帳號, 法律認定是共同財產吧? 一方死亡,另一方就會自動繼承. ",請自行參考一下,謝謝 !

11b) In the event of the death of either party prior to the entry of any order for the distribution of property made pursuant to this subsection:

a. Property passing to the surviving spouse by will or through intestacy due to the death of a spouse.

b. Property held as tenants by the entirety or as joint tenants with rights of survivorship passing to the surviving spouse due to the death of a spouse.

c. Property passing to the surviving spouse from life insurance, individual retirement accounts, pension or profit‑sharing plans, any private or governmental retirement plan or annuity of which the decedent controlled the designation of beneficiary (excluding any benefits under the federal social security system), or any other retirement accounts or contracts, due to the death of a spouse.

d. The surviving spouse's right to claim an "elective share" pursuant to G.S. 30‑3.1 through G.S. 30‑33, unless otherwise waived.
