Meticulous對生活的樂觀態度和對未知未來的平和麵對American not Briton

來源: TJKCB 2023-10-15 12:42:55 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2238 bytes)

"Que Sera, Sera"是一首經典的歌曲,最初由Jay Livingston和Ray Evans創作,並由Doris Day於1956年錄製。這首歌曲以一種樸實的方式表達了人們對未來的不確定性和對命運的接受。歌詞中描述了一個年幼的女孩向母親詢問未來的命運,以及母親淡定的回答“Que sera, sera”,意為“將會發生的就會發生”。這句簡短而深刻的回答傳達了一種對命運的接受和對未來不可預測性的理解。這首歌曲在全球範圍內廣受歡迎,成為了一種象征著對生活的樂觀態度和對未知未來的平和麵對。

Doris Day was an American actress, singer, and animal welfare activist. She was born on April 3, 1922, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and her birth name was Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff. Day started her career as a big band singer in 1939 but soon transitioned into acting. She appeared in various films during the 1950s and 1960s, becoming one of the most popular and highest-paid actresses in Hollywood.

Jay Livingston, born on March 28, 1915, in McDonald, Pennsylvania, and Ray Evans, born on February 4, 1915, in Salamanca, New York, met at the University of Pennsylvania. They formed a songwriting partnership that lasted for over three decades.


很好聽的歌。是獲獎的奧斯卡電影原創歌曲,不是英國民謠吧? -春日遲遲- 給 春日遲遲 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2023 postreply 15:08:48

問好春日博!我非常喜愛的歌,幹活哼哼就不累,反而來勁。哈哈哈。對,著名的好萊塢大片,那時的影片真棒啊! -古樹羽音- 給 古樹羽音 發送悄悄話 古樹羽音 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2023 postreply 15:30:39

謝謝TJKCB博!那支歌的陽剛之氣印象太強烈了,也是我告訴女兒彈奏的曲子。影片多次觀看也不厭。 -古樹羽音- 給 古樹羽音 發送悄悄話 古樹羽音 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2023 postreply 15:27:38

那支歌的陽剛之氣印象太強烈了! Well said! -TJKCB- 給 TJKCB 發送悄悄話 TJKCB 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2023 postreply 19:18:33

哈哈哈,我們“小熊”所見略同,開心! -古樹羽音- 給 古樹羽音 發送悄悄話 古樹羽音 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/15/2023 postreply 19:45:12



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