
本帖於 2016-03-15 22:24:16 時間, 由普通用戶 吃與活 編輯


Blueberries, the well-known ‘super fruit,’ could help fight Alzheimer’s


Note to journalists: Please report that this research will be presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society.

A press conference on this topic will be held Monday, March 14, at 10 a.m. Pacific time in the San Diego Convention Center. Reporters may check-in at Room 16B (Mezzanine) in person, or watch live on YouTube http://bit.ly/ACSliveSanDiego. To ask questions online, sign in with a Google account.

SAN DIEGO, March 13, 2016 — The blueberry, already labeled a “super fruit” for its power to potentially lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, also could be another weapon in the war against Alzheimer’s disease. New research being presented today further bolsters this idea, which is being tested by many teams. The fruit is loaded with healthful antioxidants, and these substances could help prevent the devastating effects of this increasingly common form of dementia, scientists report.

The researchers present their work today at the 251st National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS). ACS, the world’s largest scientific society, is holding the meeting here through Thursday. It features more than 12,500 presentations on a wide range of science topics.

“Our new findings corroborate those of previous animal studies and preliminary human studies, adding further support to the notion that blueberries can have a real benefit in improving memory and cognitive function in some older adults,” says Robert Krikorian, Ph.D., leader of the research team. He adds that blueberries’ beneficial effects could be due to flavonoids called anthocyanins, which have been shown to improve animals’ cognition.

Currently 5.3 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. But that number is expected to increase, Krikorian notes, as the U.S. population ages. By 2025, the number of Americans with this degenerative disorder could rise 40 percent to more than 7 million, and it could almost triple by 2050, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

In an effort to find ways to slow down this alarming trend, Krikorian and colleagues at University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center conducted two human studies to follow up on earlier clinical trials.

One study involved 47 adults aged 68 and older, who had mild cognitive impairment, a risk condition for Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers gave them either freeze-dried blueberry powder, which is equivalent to a cup of berries, or a placebo powder once a day for 16 weeks.

“There was improvement in cognitive performance and brain function in those who had the blueberry powder compared with those who took the placebo,” Krikorian says. “The blueberry group demonstrated improved memory and improved access to words and concepts.” The team also conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which showed increased brain activity in those who ingested the blueberry powder.

The second study included 94 people aged 62 to 80, who were divided into four groups. The participants didn’t have objectively measured cognitive issues, but they subjectively felt their memories were declining. The groups received blueberry powder, fish oil, fish oil and powder or placebo.

“The results were not as robust as with the first study,” Krikorian explained. “Cognition was somewhat better for those with powder or fish oil separately, but there was little improvement with memory.” Also, fMRI results also were not as striking for those receiving blueberry powder. He says that the effect may have been smaller in this case because these participants had less severe issues when they entered the study.

Krikorian said the two studies indicate that blueberries may be more effective in treating patients with cognitive impairments, but may not show measurable benefit for those with minor memory issues or who have not yet developed cognitive problems.

In the future, the team plans to conduct a blueberry study with a younger group of people, aged 50 to 65. The group would include people at risk of developing Alzheimer’s, such as those who are obese, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. This work could help the researchers determine if blueberries could help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms.

He acknowledges funding from the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, the National Institute on Aging and Wild Blueberries of North America.

American Chemical Society is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 158,000 members, ACS is the world’s largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society, contact newsroom@acs.org.


現在Costco賣的是新鮮的藍莓,一個月以前還是貯存的,味道明顯不一樣。 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 18:39:48

才四十七個人,樣本太小,也木P值。才觀察十六個禮拜就到處宣傳,是不是怕錯過藍莓上市的季節啊 -Manymore- 給 Manymore 發送悄悄話 Manymore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 20:26:01

有此嫌疑啊。不過你也可以換個角度看:才幾十個人,四個來月就觀測到效果了,那藍莓的作用得多強啊! -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (211 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 20:46:57

給你個新標題: 超級水果治療老年癡呆症的驚人效果 -Manymore- 給 Manymore 發送悄悄話 Manymore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 21:32:53

Marketing! -TBz- 給 TBz 發送悄悄話 TBz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 21:51:07

等我得了老年癡呆就聽你的話;) -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 21:53:38

哈哈,看樣子你已經得了,趕緊去Costco買藍莓 -Manymore- 給 Manymore 發送悄悄話 Manymore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 09:32:46

真的得了,說的是藍莓還是草莓都忘了。改了題目就上了城頭,上當受騙的網友要罵俺了:( -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 17:59:03

前一陣子不是說了,如果萬一體內已有癌細胞 -白兔媽- 給 白兔媽 發送悄悄話 白兔媽 的博客首頁 (241 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 21:24:57

嗯,但是還有研究暗示吃了這些抗氧化劑豐富的自然食物(不是抗氧化劑),產生癌細胞的機會就少 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (215 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 21:59:21

哈哈哈,這個,基本相當於水果推銷商。水與果相比,我願意相信水可以用於抗癌,活兄信不?哈。 -大江川- 給 大江川 發送悄悄話 大江川 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2016 postreply 22:31:04

我還是相信實驗數據的。豬肉生產商若能有這樣的數據他們也會show的,問題是他們沒有。。。 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 05:26:51

我天天吃這個藍莓, -Lilac2003- 給 Lilac2003 發送悄悄話 Lilac2003 的博客首頁 (220 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 06:20:43

我也是。 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (44 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 06:32:13

吃有機的。。 -極樂淨土- 給 極樂淨土 發送悄悄話 極樂淨土 的博客首頁 (71 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 10:17:48

一直以來都說藍莓是對腦子好的,berry最好吃有機的。難怪你和吃和活腦子這麽好! -swj2000- 給 swj2000 發送悄悄話 swj2000 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 12:19:07

+1, 咱們趕快跟進。 -欲千北- 給 欲千北 發送悄悄話 欲千北 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 12:42:02

研究裏說了,木老年癡呆症狀的,吃了對腦子沒有影響:)) -Manymore- 給 Manymore 發送悄悄話 Manymore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/17/2016 postreply 08:35:26

現在營養研究水分多,過早,樣品太小,時間太短 -笨狼- 給 笨狼 發送悄悄話 笨狼 的博客首頁 (271 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 09:03:53

這樣的研究一般都不可能大樣本,長時間,因為花費太大了,沒有經費來源 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 09:17:12

趁著有新鮮藍莓,開心吃吧(別費勁看什麽文獻了)^_^ -viewfinder- 給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 (68 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 10:14:41

真要照著文獻吃藍莓的話,還得把買回來的新鮮藍莓先凍幹了磨成粉來吃。 -虎嗅薔薇- 給 虎嗅薔薇 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 10:57:26

特意的,那個成語怎麽說啦? -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (280 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 11:56:17

你草莓藍莓都分不清,西施東施分得清嗎?看來需要加大藍莓量 -虎嗅薔薇- 給 虎嗅薔薇 發送悄悄話 (26 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 13:26:00

分不清 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (110 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 13:38:29

這是實話 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 12:14:23

欺負老人家。 -老馬識途- 給 老馬識途 發送悄悄話 老馬識途 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/16/2016 postreply 18:10:23

**** 抗氧化物宣傳基本上都是忽悠。一毛錢不到的維生素C裏麵抗氧化物比你一籃子藍莓多多了 **** -shakuras2000- 給 shakuras2000 發送悄悄話 (418 bytes) () 03/17/2016 postreply 06:09:15

藍莓中的什麽成分起作用並不清楚,抗氧化物隻是一種解釋。常常是吃含抗氧化物的食物有作用,然而單獨吃純的抗氧化物 -吃與活- 給 吃與活 發送悄悄話 吃與活 的博客首頁 (47 bytes) () 03/17/2016 postreply 06:29:12

你這是極端的簡化主義了:藍莓=抗氧化劑=維生素C。肯定是不成立的。 -viewfinder- 給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/17/2016 postreply 09:44:45
