律師按小時計費,如果你問他 about how much you owe ,他說你不欠他任何東西,then that's it, don't keep asking.
3 months from now, 如果他 send you 一張巨額賬單,那麼 ask him 提供賬單歷史記錄。(billing history).
律師按小時計費,如果你問他 about how much you owe ,他說你不欠他任何東西,then that's it, don't keep asking.
3 months from now, 如果他 send you 一張巨額賬單,那麼 ask him 提供賬單歷史記錄。(billing history).
• Thanks. 昨天一早給律師發郵件詢問,到現在還沒回我。真盼著他把我這一單免了。 -童心未泯老妹- ♀ (0 bytes) () 02/13/2018 postreply 10:17:38
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