防噪音的效果最關鍵的因素是: 最外和最內玻璃之間的空間的厚度.This is by Physics.
下麵的公司有些產品可以參考. 據另一個朋友說, 他們社區
(同樣問題)有許多家早就研究過, 使用了此公司的產品, 他們說效果很好.
如果你最終用了這種產品, 請在此匯報一下效果, 我很想知道.
Below is copy of my email to one of our customer who had the same concern with the house they were buying:
I found a company specialized in soundproofing windows:
It has lots of useful knowledge in the website. I think it's a good way since it essentially greatly increased the airspace between the glass panes.
Don't know the cost though.
This is another forum that contains some useful discussion about noise reduction window and the rating, pay special attention to posts by Oberon
Another useful article: http://www.jeld-wen.com/
Yet another: http://answers.google.com/
Basically, ask for STC value (bigger is better) of the window.
One thing that you can consider is to install non-opening windows (much better than operatable window) in the master bedroom, but leave the
current window in the bathroom the way it is now. This way you can still have ventilation through the bathroom and noise reduction is greatest.
But my guess is a second window (casement or double hung) in addition to the original window would do a decent job to cut the noise down,
similar to what it is done by http://www.soundproofwindows.