Dear XXX,
Thank you for your response after 12 days of my initial email.
First, my first name is "XXX", not "XXXX". I hope you take my complaint seriously, and spell my name correct.
Second, I already got a policy from another company, So please STOP the re-instate of my policy.
Third, I'm in the process in filing complaint against C and B to Department of Insurance, MA., and consulting a lawyer.
(不需要, 如果一定要用,不需要說您要consulting a lawyer.
Fourth, i need to know who I'm taking to now. What's your job title and responsibility? Is your decision representing the FINAL decision from C? If not, refer me to a people who can make final decision. C and B already messed up my life in last several weeks. I don't want to waste more time.
" i need to know who I'm taking to now",???
您是要打架還是要單挑??? 不需要這麼寫...
I request C and B provide the following information:
您不是官方要求對方提供資料,您也不是對方的老闆,您可以"請求"對方 "Kindly"提供這個資料...
First, show me the evidence that my hu*****and drove the car, OR withdraw your statement in your email and send me a letter on your stationary letterhead indicate the wrongful action from C and B.
First, "PLEASE" .....
Second, show me a copy of "certificate of mailing receipt" of cancellation notice dated 20 days before cancellation date, as required by MA law.
Third, there is a difference between the initial insurance premium of $1558 and the cancellation statement of ~$2727, why?
I hope someone who can make final decision can contact us by the end of this week. If not, I will file complaints the Department of Insurance, MA.
您要是真的不服,直接向Department of Insurancet提出申訴,您這封信對於保險公司而言,根本是一個笑話,理由如下
A. 人家根本不知道您要什麼,您索要的資料,除了一份資料之外,其他的資料,人家根本不需要提供給予您.
B. 您如果真的要鬧,至少找個朋友幫您修改一下您的語法...
您這個是標準的中式英翻,老實說,單純看這篇東西,老貓真的不認為對方會認真對待您的要求. 您要寫抱怨信,重要的是您要告訴對方您希望如何處理,以您的情況,您如果希望對方消除這個紀錄,就明說. 您希望對方提供任何形式賠償,就明說...告訴人家您要什麼是"雙方談判"的主要步驟...
C. 您的問題,老實說既然保險公司已經同意恢復您的保險,就代表您沒有錯,老貓真的不知道您要鬧什麼?
回複:謝謝老貓!I just draft an email, do u think anything I can modify?
回複:回複:謝謝老貓!I just draft an email, do u think anything I can modi
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09/21/2008 postreply
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09/22/2008 postreply