He may be just a substitute for

回答: 我的憂鬱症複發了農家姑2021-02-03 10:56:19


something that you didn't get as a child.

You may have been physically and emotionally neglected by your parents.  That neglect left a hole in your psyche.  You are the only one now left to fill that hole (it should have been your parents' job.)

He is not your problem, that hole is.

That hole is the manifestation of your sense of the "self", or lack of it.

So, the question is how to make that "self" bigger so that it "covers" more of your physical being.

First, do not run away from yourself.  You are the only one who qualifies to occupy that space.  Do not let anyone else into that space.  It is yours.  Claim it.

Second, exercise control over that space, by becoming more self-aware.  Most of the stuff that goes through our mind each day are not rational thoughts but reflexes, conditoned by childhood circumstances that are long gone but the reflexes stayed, controlling what we think and do without us realizing.  Self-awareness raises them into the conscious level, so that we have more chances to think rationally.

Engage in activities over which you have total control from start to finish so that your mind is alway in the position of initiating.  Train the mind to take charge, rather than to wait to be told what to do.  Not easy.

Realize that happiness is a choice.  Every time you are in front of a mirrow, make an exaggerated smile.  Most of the behaviors we have as an adult are grown out of childhood experiences and then became hardwired.  Hard to change but not impossible.  When you focus on sad things out of habit, you become a sad person.  If you look for happy things, they do exist.

"To live is to suffer."  Effort is needed to make it less so.  If what in front of you looks bleak, move a few steps back and take in a larger part of the picture.  You'll find bright spots if you look for them.  It's up to you.


Look up the term "cbt".


Disclaimer: not a professional advice.



well said -hz82000- 給 hz82000 發送悄悄話 hz82000 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/04/2021 postreply 04:46:22
