第三,不管平時老板是不是喜歡更聽話的,麵試時候還是希望納賢,既然問你怎麽做,起碼先努力爭取一下:First, I would make sure that I've done all of my homework to show that I understand how my approach would fit into the operation at large. Next, I would try to walk him through the trade-offs, both good and bad. I might try to run a small, contained experiment to see if the strategy could work in this environment.....
第七,避開所有否定的字和詞,平時也盡量不直接說No. 按你的意思,可以這麽回答:Well, I used to try to do everything myself. But as I worked in more senior roles, I've learned that a good manager needs to leverage her team and bring out the best in them.