1. 為啥我看到大家說要去網上買report? 我們有ticket No 是不是一定會有police report? 要去哪個網站找這個report? 為啥當場警察跟我說這個CASE不會有police report?
You should be able to google "your county police traffic report" and find your county website for police report.
2. 我們把事後拍得照片發給自己的保險公司,保險公司調查後說OFFER對方一個我們負90%的責任,對方自負10%的這樣一個結果。但是這兩天沒有答複,有可能對方不同意。其實我覺得對方10%的責任還少了。也許對方覺得100%是我們的責任,自己沒有任何責任。
Insurance company can only go with evidence in front of them. Your feeling doesn't help them. They are more experienced in deal with this issue. Check your insurance contract on how to dispute the liability determination.
3. 關於ticket, 除了罰款,上課或是上庭,還需要跟任何其他部門report這個車禍嗎?
Just your insurance company. If you are found guilty or plea guilty, it will be on your DMV record, anyone can just pull your record and find out.
4. 目前這種情況我們應該去上庭嗎?我的意思是不看盲點這個責任上庭也肯定得認,但是對方的責任是否有機會通過上庭確認?我們沒有十分過硬的證據,隻是有張照片能看到撞擊發生在差不多十字路口的中間,然後他的左後門撞的很厲害(由於他的速度很快),最後就是他Pull over的地點。
You go to the court for your ticket, the case is the State against You, not the other driver. the other driver does not appear in Court in your case. He might have another case against him if he got a ticket.
In your case, ignoring the blind spot in rearview mirror would be careless driving. The carelessness of the other driver (even he was found guilty in his ticket) does not means you are not careless. Put it in another way, even if in an accident both drivers are given tickets, both can be convicted of careless driving, one party's carelnessness doesn't excuse the carelessness of the other party.
本帖於 2014-08-20 05:41:38 時間, 由普通用戶 lexm5 編輯
明白了 很專業很清楚 謝謝lexm5
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08/20/2014 postreply