好像沒優勢 - 猛牛發表於 投資理財 - 論壇 | 文學城 (wenxuecity.com)
娃0-teen:沒有earned income,存不了roth,可以存529, 放父母ROTH裏是一樣的。
娃 teen-大學:打份工,收入低,可以直接存roth ira + 529 直接存roth ira ,無需存529
娃大學畢業後:工資高直接存不了roth IRA了,可以通過529轉roth, 可以Backdoor to ROTH. 通過529轉roth 有限製:
- The 529 plan must be in the beneficiary's name for at least 15 years
- The beneficiary must be the same person as the owner of the Roth IRA
- The rollover amount must be within the annual Roth IRA contribution limits
- The rollover must be direct, meaning the 529 company will make a check payable to the Roth IRA
- The beneficiary must have earned income equal to at least the amount transferred in any year
- Contributions made to the 529 plan in the last five years cannot be transferred