美國《綜藝》今年八月版評最具衝擊力名人 章子怡上榜

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《綜藝》(variety)表示,章子怡在美國一般大眾的心目中,不但是典型的中國美女,且有著一身功夫,更重要的是她“好學不倦、勤練英語”。而且她的獨特氣質讓美國人想起他們銀幕上的公主——奧黛麗·赫本。《藝伎回憶錄》的聯合製片人露西·菲舍爾也表示:“她讓我想起了奧黛麗·赫本,她將會成為未來的超級明星。”   在接受《綜藝》采訪的時候,章子怡表現了東方人獨有的謙虛謹慎。她說:“到現在我仍然一直不敢相信,有一天我會拍電影,我會上雜誌的封麵……不過我同時也相信命運的安排。”   章子怡顯然對這份調查結果非常感興趣,直說會更加努力。而今年下半年她將回到中國,拍攝馮小剛導演的《夜宴》一片。另外,她還會再接演一部好萊塢電影。最有可能的就是《美食仙樂飄》。 Variety 原文如下: Ziyi Zhang actor Makes a difference by: Crossing over from celebrated Chinese actress to Hollywood star. This fall, she plays the English-speaking lead in Rob MarshallRob Marshall's anticipated "Memoirs of a Geisha." Zhang portrays Japanese geisha Nitta Sayuri, the movie's narrator. The role required Zhang to improve her basic English, learn traditional geisha dance steps and age convincingly from 16 to 40. "Geisha" producer Lucy FisherLucy Fisher likens Zhang to Audrey Hepburn. Fisher describes the actress as deeply committed, and says she expects Zhang to achieve monumental stardom. "We needed somebody who would actually be able to carry a movie," Fisher says. "She's got everything that we needed -- someone who could age ... could have a sense of humor, could be glamorous, could be the center of a love story, and also be ballsy and a heroine." Recent accomplishments: Zhang's martial arts-centered turn in Ang LeeAng Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon""Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" got moviegoers cheering and men swooning. She's a spokesmodel for Maybelline, and she has worked with award-winning directors Wong Kar Wai ("2046") and Zhang Yimou ("House of Flying Daggers," "Hero" and "The Road Home""The Road Home"). "I'm so grateful to those directors," Zhang says. "They always give me advice. They keep telling me ... what kind of movie to make next. They give me hope ... but they have faith in me, too, to be a great actress." Along the way: After taking a college aptitude test, Zhang gained acceptance to China's premiere drama academy. Only seven young women made the cut. As a girl, she'd studied dance extensively, a skill that comes in handy when playing an intricately choreographed action scene. Point of view: Zhang sees acting as her authentic path. She loves the craft, and says she thrives under pressure. "By accident I became an actress. I never thought one day I can make a movie, I can be on a cover. ... These things happened. I believe in destiny." Coming up: She'll play a musical mail-order bride in Wayne WangWayne Wang's "Good Cook, Likes Music." This fall, Zhang goes home to Beijing to begin work on the Chinese-language period drama "Banquet."