2006 (91)
2007 (170)
2008 (61)
2009 (60)
2010 (86)
2011 (20)
2012 (9)
2013 (8)
心靈瑜伽還在堅持練嗎?:)) 聖誕,新年快樂!...
回複 '歸來' 的評論 : Sorry I didn't see your c...
Yep. I will indulge myself into pictures or videos...
All are common sense. But have to remind of oursel...
剛從國內歸來。 哈哈,看來房子的事實搞得差不多了,...
Ha, I didn't expect anybody to stop by, not to men...
Stereotypically, the woman wants to see the romant...
回複歸來的評論: Thank you for your comments, my...
Sorry I delted your comment due to updating my recording. Thank you for stopping by.