  • 博客訪問:

A Little Celebration

(2008-01-16 21:00:39) 下一個

I am officially aging. Hopefully, I am getting wiser too. The day in Western calendar meeting with the Chinese calendar makes it a little special. So just spoil myself a little bit.  I am expecting two-three more overlappings. 


Origin: Freddy Juarez Marmolejo
Revised: Melly

A Spring wish to a special friend
May you always have happiness without end
May the sorrows you face be so very few
May the sun always shine down on you

A Summer wish to a special friend
May there be bliss always without end
May you be spared any tears and pain
May your rainbows shine bright after your summer rains

An Autumn wish to a special friend
May there always be joy without end
May the clouds in your skies always be white
May the heavens always sparkle at night

A Winter wish to a special friend
May there always be love without end
May misery on you never be thrust upon
May you see endless beautiful morning dawns

A wholehearted wish to a special friend
HAPPY EVERYDAY!!! now and always without end

From 歸來:

Many pleasurable and memorable adventures are in store for me!!

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閱讀 ()評論 (11)
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複Flamenco_Girl的評論:

May my best wishes "contaminate" you once they come.

melly 回複 悄悄話 回複歸來的評論:

Thanks a lot. I really love this cartoon. It makes me laugh.
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 Happy birthday, Melly, with all the best wishes in four seasons.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複歸來的評論:


Really appreciate.
歸來 回複 悄悄話 happy birthday

歸來 回複 悄悄話 Melly, 感謝上帝賜給我像你這樣的朋友! 一直以來有句話想對你說,但苦於沒有機會,今天我終於鼓起勇氣…………生日快樂


melly 回複 悄悄話 回複夜光杯的評論:

杯子,WXC applies Pacific time. I am using Eastern Time. So your calculation was incorrect. :-)))

But I appreciate your stopping by and sending me a movie. I love movies for sure.

I will do my best to be happy forever. :-))
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複goodbaby98的評論:

Thank you baby. I hope I will be as adorable as you are.

夜光杯 回複 悄悄話 為了慶祝melly 1月16日的生日,



祝melly 生日快樂, 永遠快樂。
goodbaby98 回複 悄悄話 Happy birthday, lovely Melly, my dear friend!