  • 博客訪問:


(2007-10-20 19:26:03) 下一個





易先生性格的扭曲近乎變態。作為一個職業特務頭子,他不可能相信任何人,他恐懼,像一個沒有感情的麵具。這種恐懼的出口之一就是在肉體上對佳芝的強暴,以及由此帶來的解脫和滿足。易先生決不隻是好色,因為佳芝並不屬於那種很漂亮的女人,她對易先生的吸引在於她的聰明,和得體,不遠不近,不多嘴,有些欲擒故縱。但是作為一個人,易先生也需要去相信人,和被人相信,在這樣一種潛意識中,似乎他也對佳芝動了些感情。然而,他的投入遠沒有佳芝那樣強烈。當情感和事業被分置在天枰的兩邊的時候,女人往往選擇情感,而男人則會選擇事業, 這就是影片結尾表現的悲哀。由於兩個人所處的政見立場不同, 工作經驗相差懸殊,結局是顯而易見的。




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melly 回複 悄悄話 回複旁白的評論:
I love the scene that Wang was putting on some perfume too. I was thinking at that time: Why I do not know to wear perfume this way? So feminine and adorable. Men would love this kind of girl to death. LOL
旁白 回複 悄悄話 沒有預想中的好! 但我還是一如既往的喜歡李安的電影, 喜歡他的精雕細琢. 難以忘懷的是王佳芝搽香水的小動作:非常的曖昧也非常的女人味。。。想必她一定是暗香襲人的!還有那眉眼中的風情。。。那一低頭如水似的溫柔!

melly 回複 悄悄話 回複Flamenco_Girl的評論:
Human beings are sophisticated. Sometimes, one quick glance or a feeling will arouse your curiosity and determine your future, no matter who he/she is.
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 回複melly的評論:
Yes, 湯唯含蓄內斂,個性同李安滿象的。也怪不得她被選中。她的表演多是憑表情和支體語言。
“I felt sorry for her when 組織 ignored her personal feelings toward Yi and asked her to get more information”
“I guess her feeling to Yi could be tracked back when they first met. Remember when she came back and was asked her opinion about Yi, he said he was different from what they imagined.“
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複Flamenco_Girl的評論:

Tang Wei's performance was very 含蓄,內斂. The emotions of Wang toward Kuang and Yi was depicted subtly. It was difficult to believe a young girl could bear such a huge pressure and played her role so well. I felt sorry for her when 組織 ignored her personal feelings toward Yi and asked her to get more information. Yi was like a snake sneaked into both her body and soul. I guess her feeling to Yi could be tracked back when they first met. Remember when she came back and was asked her opinion about Yi, he said he was different from what they imagined. This was the seed. LOL

She should learn from the movie "instinct" if she really wanted to kill Yi.LOL

Thank you Sis.
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 "But she definitely wanted to be with her companies, so she did not eat the poison."
Yes, I agree.
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 回複melly的評論:
You can tell the influence Kuang to Wang by how she act. She was the last one put her hand on top in the party (she was hesitated), with encouragement looks from Kuang. Also, she mentioned after Kuang kissed her later that he can do that three years ago, it was too late then. The 2nd time she joined activity is more for "unfinished business" and likely do something meaningful in that situation.

I guess what I do is more by choice than purely by capabilities. Yes, I'm quite sensetive and rich in feelings, and keep true to myself and people around me. Spy action is against my will and nature.
melly 回複 悄悄話 回複Flamenco_Girl的評論:
Apparently, you understand her more. I am not sure if her feelings to Kuang led to her determination. But she definitely wanted to be with her companies, so she did not eat the poison.

I guess she belonged to ration-driven category. I will never be able to be a spy. LOL I doubt you can either since you even cried while watching the movie even you are logic-driven. :-)))
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 王佳芝參加愛國演出和加入形動多是出於對鄺裕民的好感。她是一位感情豐富渴望愛的女學生(看愛情電影時淚流滿麵強忍哭泣),這與她成長過程中的缺憾有關。
