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名字 (1)

(2007-05-04 18:24:55) 下一個

On my way back home yesterday, I run into a realty ad., which said contact with a realtor named Bonnie xxx. A whim popped into my head. If I wanted to buy a house, I would love to try it simply because I liked the name Bonnie. Was it a wild idea of trying to find good realtors based on their names?

There is little Western culture heritage in my blood. Nonetheless, it doesn’t hinder me from preferring some names to others. Am I crazy and picky? Maybe. So many years of research work has mutated some of my genes, if not all, encoding impartiality to prejudice, though I am struggling to prevent it from happening. J My principles to favor some names over others are a name should 1) sound beautiful (so I love calling it), 2) be easily spelt (no time to figure out the complicated spelling and pronunciation in this high efficiency world), 3) attach to people I like. Helen, for instance, is related to Helen Keller; John to Pope John Paul II. If one’s name is Bill, I would link it up to Bill Gates or Bill Clinton, both are rich, famous and powerful. Hey, don’t tell me your name is Steve. It reminds me of the guy who is torturing me --- my boss, though it is a good name. J

Come on. A name is only a symbol and nothing to do with one’s achievement. A voice rises. Well, true and false. A name is more than a symbol. It is like one’s appearance, voice or handwriting, which could be very impressive to others. Specificity is also counted. Don’t you see many celebrities change their names once they become popular? Look at WXC as an example, don’t you realize that some names gain more hits than others?  Similarly, a catchy title is like a hook, which will undoubtedly draw reader’s attention in terms of a blog or an essay. Am I alone to be so superficial or snobbish? Who will admit how good you are inward or how intriguing the essay is without being hooked first?


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melly 回複 悄悄話 回複blhw72的評論:

You read my mind.
blhw72 回複 悄悄話 Name is like look. Looks open the door. So is name, isn't it?
Flamenco_Girl 回複 悄悄話 I'm with you, Melly. The things with popular taste will get popular.